Wooos of joy, we're hitting the road in the morning!
Hu-mom's been packing the car & cleaning all the nose-smudges off da inside of the windows. I've been supervising all day, just to make sure she doesn't take off without me. But she packed my food, my big sleepy quilt, & my squeaky husky puppy, so I guess that seals it, I'm going too! I lovecar rides, don't you? She said something about not having a computer around all week, so I guess this is "Bye for now!"
This photo is a an oldie but goodie...
i alwiz try 2 camp in d car during d nite b4...so that my owner won't miss me out d next day....
i dun wanna experience 'Home Alone'
Hey *STAR* Girl ~~~
You BEE-Have onna Bus ride ...
and BE NICE ...
and Keep an OPEN Mind!
*Wave* onna way past!
/s/ Cinder & Smokey
How exciting!! Have fun on your trip! I'll miss you while you are gone! Can't wait to hear all of your adventures when you return!
Hope you mom takes lots of pictures. we want see what you did. Have fun.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Rumor hazzit you managed to *guide* Humom back to the NewHowze near da BigPond ...
Any "NEWZ" you'd care to spill?
/s/ Cinder & SmokeMutt
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