It's very boring around here, without Sherman. So I thought I'd just post a few pictures of us from this time last year.
Sherman's favorite summer posture:
Me convincing him he should get up & play:
Come on......

We were having so much fun, hu-mom decided it was time to take us to the dogpark & run off some energy...
Ah, such sweet memories! I miss you, Sherman, **kisses**

Ohh sweet Sherman! I loved the photos of you and him together. In the first photo.. did your mom paint on the floor? Cool! Ok, also, I was wondering if you would list our blog on your list of blogs, purty please :) Third, we saw on Meeshka's blog that your mom (maybe) uses fur for scarves. Does she need more for her supply?
What wonderful pictures to share with all of us. You'all had some great times.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
OK, sitka & tia, your on. I could have sworn we had put you on already, but I guess not.
The floor- this floor was already done when we moved in. The lady had a little shop, which Sherman and I and Chow-Chow (RB kitty) took over. But, humomdoes do things like this too. We've moved to RI a couple months ago, so now our cute little house is for sale...
No, humom doesn't spin or knit. She feels bad cause last winter she tossed a whole huge bag of Sherman fur, deciding she'd collect this year's shed & start fresh, and now there is no more Sherman. She's collecting mine now to send out for spinning.
When Simi (my cat brother) passed away 2 years ago, mom did save some of his fur. She wrapped it up in a hanky and carries it in her wallet. She also keeps his collar in her car along with her first dog that was 100% hers (the collar that is). Although she never opens the hanky for fear she may lose some of the fur, his memory is always with her as I know Sherman's will always be with you and your mom.
That floor paint was cool! I really did enjoy seeing the photos of you and Sherman from last year :)
What sweet memories...Sherman was a beautiful mom has a soft spot for the red and white ones...obviously
-Kelsey Ann
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