

This is what Sherman has looked like most of this week.
Not good, is it?

Hu-mom & dad got very very worried, because he wouldn't respond to them, or to food, or to anything, they took him back to the vets, and they did that x-ray thing to his insides. It wasn't as awful as I thought, he says it didn't even hurt. Anyway, his lungs look like an artic snowstorm, which, according to the vets, is not a good thing. He has new-monia. I guess the old monia wore out or something, but this one is new. I'm being extra nice to him. I even let him lay on MY spot, near MY toys. He's taking lots of pills now, Hu-mom "steams" him in the shower room, then thumps on his lungs like he's some kind of huskie drum. He gets lots of extra goodies like meat & peanut butter, and he's eating nothing but treats. I'm being extra picky about food too, just because the hu-mons are real softies right now. But I'm glad, because I really want Sherman to get better. I did cute little zoomies for my hu-mons tonight when they came home, just to make them smile.

Woos, Star


Anonymous said...

Oh no Sherman. I hate that you have new-monia. I hope you get better soon!!!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Get better soon, Sherman!!

Khady Lynn said...

Poor Sherman!! He must feel awful! I sure hope he is feeling better very, very soon. I am sending my prayers!


Shmoo said...

How on earth did you get the new-monia? It must pain you so.

I hope you feel better soon and can rip up something valuable that your humans own!


Amici said...

OH Sherman, we're so sorry. It is horrible to see a lovable husky be sick. I am glad your humans took you to the vet. I hope you can handle this hot weather (if you are getting it down in RI) and have a fast recovery. We'll be sending you lots of husky love from Maine. :)

IndyPindy said...

Aw, poor Sherman! I'm sorry you're sick! Make sure to milk it for all it's worth and get some special food out of your humans!

The Husky in the Window said...

Hi you'all. We have not seen an update in a few days and were concerned about Sherman. How is he feeling? We were thinking about him.