
Hey, no fair!

We have to type as fast as we can because we just found out hu-mom is leaving us alone with dad for a bunch of days while she visits some 95-yr. old Auntie, and we dont get to go!!!! How fair is that?!? No computer access.....no blogging....no extra long walks.....no tons of goodies.... no special this or that, just no...no...no! So pardon our absense, it's not OUR fault - I'm sure she'll come back and tell us all about the exciting things we missed out on. *sigh* See ya later siber-gators!

Wooos, and a-rooos to yous!
Star and the Jack a-roo


Phred said...

Awwww, NUTZ!

Kan you guys run out and {HIDE} inna bus whilst Hu-mom is busy packin stuff? How'z come Hu-Dad is such a *grummp* an won't take ya anywhere?

We'd take ya in as Guests atta Ranch ... but you'd have a long bus ride ta get here. Maybe Mom kuld drop ya off onna way by?

We'll leave da Lite ON!

Yipps & Yapps ...
/s/ Cinder & SmokeMutt

Charlie said...

See you guys when you get back!
- Charlie

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Talk to you again when yur mom comes home & you are allowed to be on-line again. Maybe if you give yur dad the big eyes he will take you for the long walks over the weekend & add the treats as a bonus. A Sibe can only hope!

The Husky in the Window said...

You you'all are gonna have to take notes and make sure your mom catches up on everything. He has
to give you treats. Let us know.
Husky Hugs,MayaMarie

Bama said...

We're gonna miss you, our mom just got back from a trip, so we know just how you feel! See y'all soon, (we hope)
Bama & the RHP

Khady Lynn said...

Well, you can certainly tell how irritated you are Star! That look says it all!

We'll miss you!!!


Anonymous said...

Hurry back soon! We will miss you oodles!

The Army of Four said...

KILLER pix, you two! REALLY!
Play bows,