What is your name? Star
4 letter word: star
Vehicle: Subaru Siberian Outback
TV Show: Seinfeld
City: Stow
Boy Name: Sam
Girl Name: Sam
Alcoholic Drink: Sherry
Occupation: Screen Star
Something you wear: shirt
Celebrity: Sean Connery
Food: salami
Something found in a bathroom: sterile gauze
Reason for being late: Street was closed.
Cartoon Character: Snoopy
Something You Shout: Strike three, you’re OUT!!!!
And the Jack-A-roo:

What is your name? Jack
4 letter word: jock
Vehicle: Jeep
TV Show: the Jackie Gleason Show
City: Jersey City
Boy Name: Jerry
Girl Name: Jan
Alcoholic Drink: Jack Daniels (kind of a no-brainer, eh?)
Occupation: janitor
Something you wear: jewelry
Celebrity: Jack Nicholson
Food: jam
Something found in a bathroom: junk for patching up wounds
Reason for being late: “Jury duty”
Cartoon Character: Jughead
Something You Shout: Just a minute there, buster! Where do you think you're going? ( Jack hears this one occasionally)
OK, we tag MayaMarie and Indy to play!
Great answers...I'm still working on ours!!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Great game isn't it!! I like your names for boy - Sam - that's my stupid brother. And Jacks name for a girl - Jan - is my mom's name!!
We love Sean! He is one of my Dad's favorite actors. :)
Have a great day!
Hey, we did ours earlier in the week. Missy played too!
I'm trying to be good so I can go on the vacation in October with the family. Mom has been using the "a tired husky is a good husky" philosophy now. we play ball before she runs errands.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
I read over at Meeshka's place that you needed some Russian words, so here are some:
dyevoshka - girl
malcheek - boy
pozhalsta - please
spaseeba - thank you
da - yes
nyet - no
shkola - school
- Charlie
Jack-a-roo! LOVE the nickname! You both had some awesome answers!!Hugs,
Wow Star, you picked Subaru Siberian Outback for a car, I picked Baja, cause we have a Subaru Siberian Baja, (I think it should have been named Subaru Siberian Bama...it's just one letter different...I'm just saying...)
Bama & the RHP
When mom was trying to figure out a name for Mikki she looked at Eskimo words but wasn't really excited about any she saw, then she thought "Siberian...Russian.." so here are two more Russian words,
Mikilauk-the smallest, or littlest
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