Captain Maverick & I had a wonderful day of sight-seeing here in England. We even found the "Royal Mews". Now, woo probably thing "mews" would mean "the Royal Kitties", right? That's what I thought.
The Royal Mews are the stables/garages. I googled it & here's what I found out: (Khyra will like this!)
The first set of stables to be referred to as a mews was at Charing Cross at the western end of The Strand. The royal hawks were kept at this site from 1377 and the name derives from the fact that they were confined there at moulting (or “mew”) time.
Now they keep carriages and cars in the Royal garage... I mean, the Royal Mews.
After a great Fish N'Chips lunch, we came back & actually snuck inside the Palace! First things first, we headed fur the dining room, to check out where we'll be chowin' down tomorrow at the reception.
Just look at this place!!!!
Ouuu, these seats are nice & soft!
Captain Mav says these servants give a Royally good butt skritchin, too!
And then I got the nicest surprise!!!!
The Queen popped by to check on how the dining arrangements were going! Turns out she's extremely fond of dogs, and of course Mav & I won her over in a heartbeat! Then, she granted us special privileges- Mav will tell woo all about his special adventure on his blog, but I want to tell woo all about having
Look at ME! Sitting next to the Queen!
The Queen even loaned me a tiara for the occasion!
She's not in the picture, but Kate was sitting across from us! She's such a nice person. She showed us these tasty cakes that will be served at the wedding:
Well, my paws are killin me, after all the walking we did, and I want to get a good night's sleep before the big day tomorrow. I have an appointment at the spa in the morning, so, till then,
"Cherrio" my furiends!
Lady Moolatte of Aquidneck
Love the tiara Moo
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Wow, Moo, you and Maverick are really getting the royal treatment - tea with the Queen and a beautiful tiara too - just marvelous.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
woooo Moo! You & Maverick are sure having a grand adventure! Thanks for all the pics:)
RA & Isis
How fun! If you find one of those fancy fuzzy hats, could you pick one up for Sam?
Yum: khrumpets!
Thanks fur the hawk info!
Mom got some Khlotted Khream Fudge from GJ's mum - she'll have another piece or two whilst watching the telly in the morning!
Did woo get to meet The Royal Khorgis???
PeeEssWoo: LOVE the tiara!
Good evening, M'Lady Moo...thank you for sharing your wonderful visit with have such elegant table manners, I'm sure the Queen appreciated that! Those cakes look rather tasty! Enjoy!
Lucky wooo!!!
OH man! woo have ALL the fun! now you definitely have to drop by CH and bring me some CAKE!
Here's to woo catching the bouquet!
This is pawesome and so exciting!!
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