
Monday's view from the MOO: Decisions Poll

Good Moo-rning Furiends!

This week, I need your help. I need a hat fur a really special occasion. From watching tv with mom, and I know that they are really big on Special Occasion hats over in England. Everyone seems all gushy about getting gussied up for this upcoming royal wedding and all, so I took a look at the most fashionable hats this season. I narrowed it down to the interesting ones, I'm just not a satin-bow-and -lace-veil kind of girl.

Here's one that looks like it would be fun on a windy day:
What do woo think of this beawooty, worn by Princess Beatrice for Easter Services?
This is really appealing, I think I can make one like this out of spare parts from my own yard:
Maybe Kate Middleton would loan me this spiffy little feathery thing?

OK, here's where you come in, dear readers. I'm going to model each of these hats, and at the end, woo can vote and help me decide which one is "me".

A. Airy & white

B is for "Butterflies"
(but only if I don't look as ridiculous in it as Princess Beatrice does)
C- Create my own version of this one?
D. Kate's stylish poof of feathers?
E. Exotic Peacock Eyes
Mom found this one, she said it makes me look like
Mata Hari…I guess that's good?
Please vote on the poll at the top of the sidebar.
Voting is open now thru Wednesday 12 noon.
May the "best" hat win!

And that's today's stylish view from the Moo

Miss Moo


Suka said...

hey Moo,

What a fun poll, but rather difficult because your face is so beautiful that you looked lovely in all the hats! But, I picked the Butterfly Hat because I love how the vibrant colors really pop against the gorgeous white fur of your face and make your beauty shine! Plus, the colors really bring out your eyes!

Can't wait to find out about your special occasion!


Dexter said...

Fashion is so challenging, but I voted.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Moo - you look so good in all of those hats. We think we like the peacock one a lot, but then it is such a tough decision. All heads will turn when you strut down the aisle to take your seat at the big event.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pedro said...

Hahaha! I voted for airy and white even though it kinda reminds me of a Donald Trump comb-over! The cats in my house would find those hats disappointing because all the delicious parts have been removed :P


Minnie Moo said...

I'm liking the peacock eyes...cuz it follows you...hehe loves it.


Minnie Moo

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I love this post and found it a hard choice because you looked good in them all. I thought better than the origional wearers mol.. Hugs GJ xx

The Army of Four said...

I'm diggin' those crazy peacock feathers! They bring out your eyes!

Elyse K said...
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Elyse K said...

Dear Miss Moo-- do you really need a hat? You do? Okay, I'll vote for light and airy, which seems very ladylike to me. But I think you are very beautiful just the way you are!

Your admiring (and not very fashion-conscious) fan,

D.K. Wall said...

Well, we let the hu-dad vote and, based on his fashion sense, we think that should be a negative vote for what he selected. Just saying.

FiveSibesMom said...

We agree with the Op Pack, you look beautiful in all of the hats! We did vote for one, but any one will look just fine!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The Herd's wisdom at work again!

PeeEssWoo: Great selekhtions! Off to paw my vote1

Chicco said...

Hello! very beautiful blog.
I follow you now.
Come to visit me on my blog too, ok?
Woof, woof,


Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Bumboo Moo
Yer Cap'n loved them all ye looked great in them Harrrr. Yer Cap'n voted for just one though Harrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Teddy Westlife said...

I love the butterflies the most. I wonder if I can vote from some other computers to make that the winner :)

Khady Lynn said...

What, no squirrel hat?


ForPetsSake said...

Love this poll, but I have to say you gotta go for originality and pick the peacock look. Elegant and says it all, no?