
Sachuest Scenes

Sunday scenes from Sachuest:

Sign to secure the safety of the birds, or, "Why the whole end of the beach is fenced off"?  (click to make pics big enough to read, it's interesting)

Hmm, what do you think, Jack?  It'll be roped off till the birds finish nesting & get those kids flapping their wings  so they can blow out of here.

Jack decided to mark the rock on the DOGS ALLOWED side of the sign, just to make sure those birds know where their territory ends.

Good thinking, Jack!

We'll be posting pictures of serene scenery from the  Sachuest shore all this week...

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo


the magic sleigh said...

You show them Jack! Good marking technique there!
-Scampi and Kira too, who is off looking for some Beagle...

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

The beach!!!!!! I can't wait to go to the beach. Looking forward to more pics soon!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are these plovers plumbers?


The Army of Four said...

Well, perhaps the Plovers should go somewhere ELSE! Whose beach is it, anyway?!! I think Jack answered that one!
Play bows,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

But Jack, we sibes aren't dogs, are we? Nice of them to protect the birdies. Smart of you to set a boundary.

Mom said to tell your Mom that she would get a house sitter but she worries about Dakota. At least if we go to the kennel, we are actually at the vet's too and so help is always there if we need it.

Woos, the OP Pack

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Haroooo and way to go Jack! Don't let dem Plovers take over.

Husky kisses,

D.K. Wall said...

Makes sense to us. Let them eat so they can grow up to be big, plump, juicy adult birds - mmmmm.

Teddy Westlife said...

That puppyhead is smarter than we realise.

Huffle Mawson

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That was a very smart thing to do, Jack. You just can't let the birds get to bold about their territory.


Pedro said...

Ha! Jack, I'm with you! I have to mark everything! We have those piping plovers where I live too and you can't build nearby or go on certain parts of the beach while they're nesting. Some people have bumper stickers that say, "Piping Plover - Tastes like chicken!"
