We had such a great visit with Santa! He's looking forward to bringing us all treats for being such good dogs this year, so be good & don't blow it now.... it's only a matter of days!

Jack is happy - and he has a very special picture of himself he wants to save & put on our blog on Christmas Day, kind of a "North Pole Postcard" for everyone. Penguin is happy cause he's just happy to know he's a perfect penguin in spite of appearances. We told him that, but I guess he needed to hear it from Santa to believe it!
And I'm happy about everything. I got to spend one more night wooing to Sherman , and asked him to say hello from several of you humans to your pups at the Rainbow Bridge. He promises that each husky there hears every sweet word whispered to them by their people. He says they all come visit us often, and when you think of them, they really are nearby. I find that very comforting.

We're taking the long route home, because we have some special friends over in the Yukon at Wandering Spirits Kennel. We know Glacier's pack from another forum, and our trip north wouldn't be complete without stopping by to see them! Now there's 23 huskies there, so we couldn't get pictures with all of them, but we're posting a few of them.
Here I am with Chase, he's very happy to have visitors!

This is Anvik with Tehya, and Jack. Tehya is adorable - and really bossy with the boys! I think it playing with Tehya reminded Jack of his sisters Diva & GiGi back in Ohio - they loved to chew on him, too!

And here I am enjoying some one on one time with Muskwa. We've been woo'ing to each other for several years on Pettalk, so it's a real pleasure to finally snuggle up to this handsome boy!
Tomorrow we'll put our noses in the air and our tails to the wind and head south. Santa gave us a map of secret shortcuts, so we should be home on Aquidneck Island in just a couple days. It's a good thing, too, cause my boy is coming to visit me. See you in a couple days!

Wow, how cool. My mom often talks to Shula and tells her how much she misses her. It's nice to know she is there with Sherman and all the other Sibes, and that she hears mom!
You are so lucky to see Tehya and all the other Wondering Spirit Dogs!! Mom loves to visit their blog to see what great new pics they have!
Have a safe trip home!!
Thank woo so much for passing on our message to Star & Ice.
Woo two pups are making so many new friends, and getting to visit with old ones, that's really what Christmas is all about.
God speed & best wishes for a safe journey home.
Bama & the RHP
Mik says "Hi, Handsome", and I think she has something in her eye cause she keeps winking....
Wow, this sounds like a great adventure! Have a wonderful time and keep taking those beautiful pictures!
Woo, that is so great that you gots to talk wif Sherman! We knows that our mom's Shanna has made a lot of friends at the Rainbow Bridge & can be wif her adopted-mommy Cinny & even Clover. You 2 really had a great adventure.
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Hey, if you're in the Yukon Territory, do you think you can swing down to Washington and see us? It's just straight south.
Steve and Kat
We'll try to "stop by"!
~Star & Jack
That picture of you wooing to Sherman made my mom cry! It's so beautiful! She still talks to our great sisters and great brother who came before us.
Be safe out there!
Oh I love the photo of you wooing to Sherman.
Haroo Star & Jack
What a wonderful picture of Star & Sherman....where did you find the background photo? Our Mom wants to know what software you use for editing photos? You sure have some cool ones!
Woo Woos & Kisses
Prince & Summer
Dear beautiful Star and Jack,
I am so glad you shared your North Pole Adventure and your visit to Tehya and her family. The picture of Star woo-ing to Sherman made me cry. Could you please have your hu-mom or dad give you some Welcome Home petting for me?
Thank you,
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