
NPA Ch. 4-Beyond Baffin Bay!

Woos and a-rooos! She did it! Hu-mom got the slideshow we sent her posted! Yeah, Hu-mom!

Yes, it's beautiful here, snowy, cold - perfect husky weather!
But I'm very sad today, because today marks 5 months since my Sherman left for the Rainbow Bridge. I miss how we used to play in the snow together....

They say we huskies go north beyond the Rainbow Bridge & become part of the Aurora Borealis. I hope to see that while we're here. I hope to see my Sherman dancing in the lights. Today's post is dedicated to his memory, with all my love.

Woos & a-roos, hope you are all enjoying our cyber-adventure! I found out a little something about Santa... he doesn't use reindeer up here, oh no. This is how he gets around:

Jack the Arctic Explorer!


Phred said...

Yipp Yapps, Guys!

Is that Sherman helpin Sandy Pawz? Looks like him in the middle!
We're glad he found a nice job, North of The Bridge. Tell him "Howdie" and that we miss him!
(Wonder what they've got Lil Bowser doin? He might be handlin deliveries wiffa small chimblies.)
We'll put extra Bisquits asside the fireplace wiff Santa's Cookies.

Tell Hu-Mom she didda GREAT Job wiffa slider show ... Did she show you guys how ta *program* yur GPS Box? We don't want ya gettin *lost* half way to the Pole!

Happie Trails!
/s/ Cinder & SmokeMutt

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Yur slide show is greeeat!! You 2 are on a great adventure.
-Cosmos & Juneau-

Anonymous said...

Aww... we miss Sherman too!!! That slide show is awesome! I am glad you shared with us!
That Santa with the two siberians sure is COOL!


Bama said...

Howrooorooroo, you pups are having such a grrrreat adventure, and I'm so glad you're still staying safe, that big white bear looked kinda scary! We love the Santy Paws ornament with the Huskies, it's pawsome.
Check out our last 2 posts on our blog, there's a special mention for you both, and on the sidebar is a little gift I put up for my Jack of Hearts. While you're there listen to the 1st song on our jukebox (if not all), it's a song about huskies & mushing, mom found it this weekend, way cool.
Love you both, safe travels,
Mikki & the RHP

Bama said...

Pee Ess,
We're sure you'll see Sherm in the beawootiful Northern Lights, & he'll be dancing for joy to see to two of you! We miss you, Sherman.

sharkgila said...

That's a great slideshow, so many many friends! Sherman is watching over you for sure - look at that winking star, he's smiling at you.


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Great slideshow! And you have a theme song! So cool!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Please ignore my comment about the theme song. That was another website I was looking at. I feel retarded.


The Husky in the Window said...

This was a great chapter! we can't wait for the next one. Mom says Sherman and Cubby are wooing it up, up there playing in the snow and the lights.

Have you checked out Bama's new blog page. Here mom found this great Husky Dog song. You have to hear it.

Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Amici said...

You are definitely creative!

We hope Sherman sends you a special Christmas this year....ya never know how much he is watching you. :)

Sierra & Buddy's Mom said...

Yippee!! What a GREAT slide show you made! Wow! I can't even do that! (lol)
I just know that Shermie is traveling with you 2 on your trip. He's making sure you 2 stay safe!
Keep in touch!
~Angie, Sierra & Buddy