
"Salty dogs"

Sunday was really fun. Our humans took us to a place called a beach. It had the best smells everywhere! Lots of smelly stuff to roll on, & very comfortable on the paws to dig in.

The only problem was that the water was not frozen. It was, however, very salty. Here we are after hu-mom dragged us into the waves - now we're "salty dogs"!

I was up for playing in the waves a while longer, but puppy-head wanted away from the water.

You can see a picturesque private boarding school in the background - that's where the humans' pups get sent when hu-moms & dads don't want them underpaw anymore. Hmmm, I wonder if they would accept Jack....click on the pic, it's quite lovely.

On our way back to the car, a nice lady came over to ooou & ahhh over my beauty. She just lost one of her two sibes to cancer in May, so she understood how miserable I feel. I felt bad for her remaining sibe - Tutonka, he's 15 yrs. old. Can you imagine how lonely he must feel?
Even if Jack's mostly just annoying, at least I have another sibe around... still. My efforts to get rid of him continue to fail.

OK, so maybe I like his company, just a little.

and Jack A-roo


Phred said...


"Even if Jack's mostly just annoying, at least I have another sibe around... still. My efforts to get rid of him continue to fail.

OK, so maybe I like his company, just a little.

Is the Freeze beginning to Thaw??
PuppyHead may have a future after all!

Mom looks kinda "salty" in those pix, too! Next we're gonna hear y'all bought a SailBoat ...
That'd be a LOTTA *phunn*!

PS: Don't *drink* da Salty Water ~
makes fur an upset tummy!

Yipp-Yapps frum Ohio!
/s/ Cinder & SmokeMutt

Anonymous said...

Wow... those are some awesome photos. You two look good together! I love going to the beach! It is fun to DIG DIG DIG. Did you dig any?

Bama said...

Y'all look really grrrreat together, we all think the Puppyhead will keep growin on ya until he's just part of ya! Our humans took Granddogs Starr & Ice to the beach one time, they hated it and were scared of all that water, Starr managed to slip out of her harness and they had to chase her for about 1/2 mile before they caught her, so we don't "do" the beach, mom said by the time they caught Starr her heart was attacking her!
Bama & the RHP

The Army of Four said...

Oh, WOW! What gorgeous pictures!!! Is that the ocean!?!? I've heard such cool things about it. I'm trying to get one of those and a mountain here in Kansas. If you have any spare ocean, can you FedEx it to me? Wow, it looks so cool!
Play bows,
PS: My sister Amber really liked your "salty dogs" joke! Ha roo roo roo!

Khady Lynn said...

What a very nice beach you have!! Much better than ours. But, at least our water is drinkable. Yours doesn't sound very tasty!

What a beautiful place it is!


The Husky in the Window said...

You'all went to the beach! Wow, that looks like such fun. You are nicer to Jack than Missy is to me. I think my puppy license expired. She's been very snippy lately. But I still love her.

I tagged you'all in a new game about vehicles. Check it out.
And have mom include Sherman. My mom included her Cubby.

Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Sierra & Buddy's Mom said...

You're such a good girl Star!!
I just knew that little bugger would win you over! :)
I enjoyed looking at the pretty pictures of you and Jack at the Ocean.
{{hugs}} and Wooos.

The Beasts- Royal, Brock & Alki said...

Ha-roo! I went to the beach this weekend too!!! And this was a salty one- yuck! I just dont know why sometimes water tastes good and other times it tastes SO YUCKY!!! *Sigh* Oh well, it was still run to swim in and run on the rocks!


-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Very nice beachy pictures. Juneau get on my nerves, back, stomach, etc. alot, but I'm glad that he's here. I'm not as lonely when my family are out, cuz I got him whining in the crate next to mine. He makes a very good living squeaky puppy, especially when I get the upper paw & pin him down.

Bama said...

We've tagged you both for a new game, The Nickname Game. (at least we think it's new....) Anywoo, come check out our latest blog for easy details. We won't be able to post for about a week, so we're trying to wear mom's fingers out before she goes, whoooohooo!
Bama & the RHP

Elyse K said...

ARooooo, Jack and beautiful Star! I enjoyed your photos from the shore! Hug, hug!

Your Fan,

Shmoo said...

Don't even bother trying to ignore him Star, they just don't go away once they're in the house. You can try being extra fluffy and cute and getting all of the attention, that works.
