Mom chose a great place to go fur our walk - the Cliff-walk! We've shown woo pics from there before, but today it was like taking mom skijoring without skis! There was a nice bed of ice and slush, and we furry much enjoying splashing & sliding along thru. Plus, we were great ambassadors for our breed, charming and impressing everyone we met! We decided to post a whole bunch of pictures, so come on, enjoy walking with us!
Come on, mom, why are woo soooo slow?

The rocks were having fun playing with the waves.
Here's a color we haven't seen fur a while!
We passed this golden boy out on the rocks with his hudad. The waves were really khool!

We even stopped & smiled fur the camera. Mom loves this one.
(there'll be big pay-off in treats later on!)

We walked till we ran out of cliff-walk.
Here it is, the end of the cliff-walk.

Pausing for a moment to enjoy the view on the way back...

Check out this lovely little gazebo. There's a telescope inside and everything. This pic is cool - woo can see how the private property meets up with the cliff-walk. The cliff-walk was originally built by the workers who were building the mansions.
Its public now so we can all enjoy using it.

Woo can catch a glimpse of the house it belongs to in the background.
On our return trip, the Golden boy & his hudad had moved up closer to the pathway. Its a little hard to tell, but there's a bout a 20' drop down between us on the walk and him on the rocks. He's actually about 30' away from us. Jack talked to him, but he didn't answer. ( Maybe he doesn't woo Siberian.)

We checked out hidey-holes along the way..... guess no one's home right now.

When we got closer to the car, Mom announced "treats!" - that got our attention!

and after our treat,we headed home
in our Siberian Outback.
Quite a nice way to pawticiate in the Subaru dog-walking event, don't woo think?

Miss Moo
OH yes, the smile pic was great and actually you even gave us a second one at the end. Amazing what treats can do:) Great walk, but we bet Mom would enjoy it more in the spring.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a fun day. We like adventures like that. Cool gazebo
Benny & Lily
I LOVE these pix! I never get enough of Jack and Moo!
that smile pict was the best. Juno is smitten with Jack's Jodhpurs... they are hunky!
What a cool adventure! I think your ocean is even cooler than ours!
That second to the last picture is the money shot! I hope the treats were especially yummerz!
Play bows,
Oh what a fun walk that looks like it was! And we think it is good to get away from the TV for a while! We didn't watch the game at our house - we did watch the more important one (the Puppy Bowl), but the football isn't our thing. We think that walk looks like it was even more fun then we had!
Jack and Moo! Mmwah, mmwah, mmwah, mmwah! Thank you for taking me on a walkie with woo today!
Your admiring fan,
Jack SOOOOOO knows how to work the flashie beast!
I love your smiley photo!
What a great walk! And, such lovely scenery! Looks like you all had a fabulous day!
Holly & Khady
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