
Wednesday Woo

Last night:

This morning:
No morning coffeee on the deck for mom today:
...and its starting to snow again, woo-hoo!

a-roos to yous, and toodle-woo,
jack a-roo & miss moo

***Don't furget,:If woo would woo like to come to my cyber-pawty, either comment here (so we can go collect a pic of woo from your blog), or send us a pic of woo between now and Jan. 19th, then drop by on Jan. 23rd for our First Gotcha Day Moo-versary! We're going to have a Siberific good time!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so glad you got a video for us. We also hear you might be getting lots and lots of snow. We wish the humans still lived in CT, we hear they have 2 feet or more coming. Wow, that would be awesome!

Have lots of fun in that snow.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

ThePainterPack said...

Isn't the snows wonderful! We still has lots too! Thank woo for sharing da video!!!

Mya Boo Boo

Two French Bulldogs said...

We know it could be a pain but it sure looks beautiful
Benny & Lily

Khady Lynn said...

We definitely want to come to your pawty!!!!! Me and my Jack-a-roo twin!

Looks like you all are enjoying your snow as much as we are! Isn't it just pawsome!?!?!!!

Holly and Khady

Anonymous said...

Personally, I can't understand why your mom wouldn't take her coffee out there. I mean, it's only a little light dusting. geesh.

as for the pawty. feel free to use any photos you'd like. if you want, i can send you "poses" of them w/o the background that I already have cut out...

FiveSibesMom said...

A Sibe paw-ty??? Yes! Have room for five more???!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh I think staying inside is a good plan now.

Elyse K said...

Snow, snow! Yay, Jack and Moo! Woo got snow! Woo two have fun playing in the snow.

Your admiring fan

Pee-ess woo: will send you a pikhture for Moo's Cyber Paw-ty.

D.K. Wall said...

Woo - we are so glad that all of our Sibe friends are getting snow. So awesome, so awesome.

Oh, and of course we would love to come to a Sibe party. Of course, anytime Sibes get together, there is a party. The hu-dad just wants to know if the police are going to get called.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Snow furry nice!!!

I was snow lukhky in that since Mom left me with my SibeLings, I khould play in it throughout the day whilst she was having her head filled with new work stuffs!

I khan't wait fur the PAWTY!


Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that is a lot of snow! We have snow too but not that much! We think the video is great - but we are going to admit we think playing in the snow is a crazy idea! We don't know how you doggies do it!

And boy we are behind - we think it is cool that your Gotcha Day is coming up - the first one is always the funnest (well, ok the second is fun - and third, well, heck, they all are!)

Kristin G. said...

I bet you all are having a blast! We would love to come to your gotcha party! It sounds like fun! You are welcome to any of our photos.