how's your 2011 going so far? We played in our snow for a while yesterday, then it got furry warm and the snow turned to mud by the end of the day. But I had to lay down the law for my sister, Moo.
We were zooming and wrestling, having a good time. Look at her, smacking me in the snooter! She loves it when I chase her!
On one of our lightning-fast passes, I bumped my leg on the door frame and woosers, did it hurt! I howled fur mom, and sprawled on the cool snow till mom came to see if I broke my leg (its possible, woo know). You'd think a sisfur would giver her brofur a minute to catch his breath, wouldn't woo? Not Moo, oh no. She kept pestering me. I showed her curled lips - a warning that's recognized by dogs of all breeds world wide, but she just kept pestering...
I finally had to flash Mr. Fangs to convince her I MEAN IT!!! STOP PESTERING ME!!!
I wasn't trying to be mean, but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do to protect himself when he's down. Mom rubbed my leg with her magic healing hands and after a few minutes, I felt better. I was ready to walk around again, and went in fur a nap.

A-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo
Aw, sorry you banged your leg. Sometimes Sibes get so excited with snow and playing, that they don't always see what's lurking about. All in a day's play for Husky. Sooo glad all is OK with your leg and that you and Moo are all snuggly again. What a great sis. (And we're guessing she's hoping no more Mr. Fangs!)
We at FiveSibes are paying forward our recent blog award and would like to bestow it now upon you, one of our selected new recipients of the Stylish Blog Award! You can go to our blog link and get the details of what the next step is and copy the award with a link to us and post on your blog. Then select others you think are deserving as well. Congrats and keep stylin', Cybersibes! Happy 2011!
Jack, we sure hope your leg is OK. Sisters can really be quite the pests, but in the end, they really are pretty much OK. We feel the same way about Ciara. She tries to cuddle real close to us too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I guess she's a keeper!
hey Jack-a-roo and Miss Moo,
I am furry sorry your banged your leg, Jack. It sure sounded like an ouchie! I think Moo was just too caught up in the fun and excitement to realize you were really hurt. I think you handled it well!
Moo is a great sisfur, you are very lucky! :->
Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year 2011! I look forward to reading about all of your adventures this year!
p.s. My human, K, thinks that is a awesome Seahorse lamp in your 12/30/10 post. She wants one! :-> Also, she said the Stone Tower, possibly Norse, is very cool. Thanks for sharing!
darn tootin' legs gettin' all hurtie and stuff. so sorry Jack. that stinks. but at least Moo was helpful later.
happy new year cutie pie. and yes we think she's a keeper too...
You two are just way too adorable. A while back I almost got a husky brother! Maybe I should post pictures some time.. My mom LOVES huskies like you guys sooo much.
Your new friend,
Oh my, I'm glad you're leg isn't broken, Jack-a-Roo!
Woo - Jack - sorry about the leg. Hope it is not stiff tomorrow.
Glad you guys got to play in the snow before it all melted away
Benny & Lily
We know how pesky sisters can be but somehow they are the best thing too!! Hope your leg is OK Jack.
Jack, I'm so sorry you banged your leg. I am glad you are okay and that you and Moo ended your day by having a snuggle. Sisfurs are special. And woo two are very special to me!
PeeEsswoo: My word of the day is "nowtble"- close to Notable :)
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