
Monday's view from the Moo: Snow day!

Saturday night, the snow started falling....YES!!!!
Jack woo'd that he thought we should definitely go fur an adventure walk Sunday morning.
We even talked dad into coming along! The bipeds wanted to go somewhere easy to walk, so we went walking where we could see the ocean.
It was bewootiful sunny day, mom liked the bush Jack & I were checking out. she said it looked like a crazy bird nest on top of a trunk. We'll have to revisit it in the spring and see what it looks like then! Maybe it really is a crazy bird's nest!
Mom thought I was looking at the ocean in this next pic, (but I'm really watching for mice in the weeds). See that thing ahead that looks like a ramp? That's the famous 40 Steps. It was "40 Snowy Slippery Steps" today, so we did not go down.
Those boys, they are such party-poopers. They were ready to head back to the Siberian Outback before I'd even had a chance to catch anything! Oh well, it was a furry nice walk.
Speaking of parties, I'm going to have one in two weeks! Would woo like to join me? Either comment here (so we can go collect a pic of woo from your blog), or send us a pic of woo between now and Jan. 19th, then drop by on Jan. 23rd for our First Gotcha Day Moo-versary! We're going to have a Siberific good time!

And that's today's view from the Moo!

Miss Moo
(send pics to cybersibes (at the symbol thingy) dot com.)

We are furry sad to hear that the Luke has crossed the Bridge. We have been rooting fur him as he battled the Big C. We know he stayed as long as he could.
Run free, sweet Luke, the pain is gone
and you are whole again, Golden Angel


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm snow jelly!

That walk looks inkhredible!

AND woo had those handsome fellas with woo!

I bet The Luke watched as he made his journey -

PeeEssWoo: Did woo 'moo' PAWTY??? I'm there!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We got some snow here now. Snowed all night and will continue all day, but it is very light. We don't care, we are thrilled to finally have some.

You know we wouldn't miss the big party for anything. Feel free to snag any pics you want. Can't wait for the fun to begin.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

we would LOVE to attend your pawtay! thank woo for inviting us Moo!

feel free to borrow the streamers from our post! :)

hugs to you Moo... and yes boys are such pawty poopers on walks...

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm definitely coming to the party! Tell your mum to help herself to a picture.

♥♥♥♥Team Husky♥♥♥♥ said...

We definitely want to come to your PAWTY Moo - please count us in!!!

Team Husky - Summer, Suki, Kodiak & BJ.....can Angels come too cause Princey would sure like to be there with Sherman & Moon!!!

Khady Lynn said...

Ahhh, a snow walk at the ocean sounds fun!! All we get is our yard!


How Sam Sees It said...

Sam and Monty would love to party!

What a pretty place you live, Mom enjoyed looking at the pictures!


ForPetsSake said...

Beautiful pics! They make me homesick for Maine...Glad you're enjoying the snow ;)
Check us out if you get a chance http://www.arwenspack.blogspot.com/

Elyse K said...

Yay, yay, Moo and Jack! Woo got some snow! What a beautiful day and place to take an adventure walk!