Don't woo love stories with happy endings? I'm going to tell you a story:

I tried it too. Hmm, seems like Dad built this bench plenty long enough to fit two huskies, don't woo think?

And we went all the way to Ohio to the kennel where I grew up - Destiny Siberians.
I was happy to see my first mom, Sue, my mama, Trendy, and my kennel mates.

And there is one special friend I want to introduce -
I was happy to see my first mom, Sue, my mama, Trendy, and my kennel mates.

This beawootiful girl is
Destiny's Tell Me A Story: Tori!

The best part of this story is:
Tori came back with us to live with me!
No more Lonely Only Jack!
We drove all day, and stayed at the hotel again that night, it was fun!

After another long drive, we were home! I think Tori's going to love it here with me!
I'm furry busy showing Tori everything around here. We took a couple walks and she got to meet all my little biped friends, and they are just crazy about her! As woo get to know her, I know woo'll be crazy about her, too.

And now, dad's bench is complete with two happy huskies! (We got on the bench, but mom wasn't fast enough with the flashy box, so she photoshop'd this pic a bit)

Please come visit again this week-I have lots more pics from my trip to show woo!
a-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo and Tori, too

My mom has those wet things khoming from her eyes -
Khongrats on getting a big sisfur!
She's furry furry special fur many many reasons!
I think Star agrees and will be keeping all of woo in her sights!
That is a GREAT story! And the BEST part is the smile on your face, Jack!!!
Tori is one special pup and she's landed in an equally special home!!! Ha rooooooo!
Ha roo for Tori and for woo!
Congratulations on the new edition! That's so exciting!!
Maw's eyes are leaking.
We is so furry furry happy fur woo and your maw and pa and Tori! Besty wishes! We is glad der is da pitter patter of 4 more paws in your home.
Star is smilin' down on woo two.
Husky kisses,
My mum was doing the same.. What a lovely thing to happen.. I can see lots of happy times comming up.. Beautiful... Hugs GJ xx
Oh Jack we are sooooooo fury happy fur woo!!! This is the best news cause we all know an only husky often turns into a lonely husky!!!
Tori is beewootiful and it's so special that she is Sherman's sister - WOW!!!
Our Mom has those wet thingees running down her face ~ she is so happy fur woo all and we all are too!!!
We just know Star would have loved Tori too and she'll have a much happier Jack-A-Roo to watch over now!!!
This is the BEST news!!!
Team Husky
Wooooos!!!!!! Woooo a new sister! Lucky woo and welcome to the world of dog blogs, Tori! I can see Jack smiling form way down here!
-Kira The BeaWootiful!
Welcome Tori! You have a great new home here.
Tell me a story, tell me a story, tell me a story, and then I'll go to bed.....Jack, you told us a great story about your bench. We love your new pal. tori is very beautiful and such a special girl. We can tell already how happy you two are to have each other. We are certain that Star is shining down her total approval.
Woos, the OP Pack
I love a story with a happy ending! Welcome to the family, Tori! We can't wait to get to know more about you.
Steve and Kat
PS. Jack, it looks like you made quick work of the covers on the bed at the hotel.
OH, Happie Daze!!
Glad Tori got Home affore Dad goofed
and *spilt da beans*!
We've been listenin - Did'ja **HONK**
onna way past our Ranch?
Welcome **HOME**, Tori!!
Tell Dad he built a furry NICE Bench!!
Woooo - Jack and Tori - we love the sound of that. We are sure Star is smiling from the bridge knowing that all is well.
That is a happy story! Look at the smiles on your two beautiful faces :) We cannot wait to hear more about your new sisfur!
Dear Jack-A-Roo,
My mom has those wet things on her cheeks, too - we are so happy for your new sisfur Tori! AND for the new bench, too; I hope you will have many happy times together as your humans (or you!) sit on the lovely bench.
Mom sends you some skwishy hugs,
Cassie Cat
A new sister! I hope woo guys will have lots and lots of fun together. Your mom & dad is the best.
That is such a great story! :) Congrats!
Congrats on finding your new sister! Tori is a very pretty girl and we're sure that she'll feel at home very quickly.
Princess Eva
WOO Jack! We are so happy for woo! Welcome Tori!! We look forward to getting to know woo better. :)
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
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