I wanna share a few more photos from my trip to go get Tori.
Look at me - I'm riding in an elevator! Whee! This is fun!
And my new reflective leash looks pretty sharp when the camera does its flashy thing! Mom got it for me cause sometimes our walks end in the dark, with it getting dark out earlier. This way, cars can see us.

She bought a reflective leash for Tori too. We found this furry khool pirate ship and posed with dad - kind of looks like our leashes are haunted, doesn't it?

And speaking of glowing, just look at this glowing face! Meet Isabelle, isn't she cute? Sue and Mike, my Destiny Kennel bipeds, adopted this gorgeous little Princess from Taiwan recently! Congratulations, Mom & Dad!

And speaking of glowing, just look at this glowing face! Meet Isabelle, isn't she cute? Sue and Mike, my Destiny Kennel bipeds, adopted this gorgeous little Princess from Taiwan recently! Congratulations, Mom & Dad!

They've been watching Izzie since she was brand new, waiting till everything was ready and they could bring her home with them to Ohio. They had to travel furry far to get her, all the way across the country and across the ocean! She petted me, and she is a happy wonderful little mini-biped. I've decided that she is my favorite mini-biped!
Here's a close-up of our cool glowing leashes - and of my new Indian-print leash. It's furry masculine, like me! Tori's is the girly-lavender lead and collar, and what looks white in the pic is actually looks furry silvery - that's the part that glows! The round red & white leash is the one that I had in the pictures. Mom got one like that for Tori, too.

Tori is getting used to things around here. She likes going for walks, sitting on the bench with me, and getting lots of ear skritches and hugs from my mom & dad. Apparently she gives nice little kisses to them, too. (Sorry, I don't kiss). I think she's going to like being a housedog.
a-roos & woos,
jack n' tori
Mom has been watching Isabelle from the beginning too!
She's soooo khute and so lukhky to khome to O HI O fur SIBERIAN smooches!
Tori and woo are such a sweet sight to see - Mom gets all skhwinchy lipped and leaky -
Of khourse, woo KNOW I soooooo LOVE her khollar kholours!
I know S&S khonkhur!
I couldn't be happier for you Jack!! I think it is absolutely wonderful you have a new "sister", especially since she is Sherman's real sister! I'm sure he is smiling down with a big Siberian smile on his face!!
I can't wait to read all about your future adventures with Tori! She is beautiful!!!
Holly and Khady Lynn (your other twin)
Excellent to see Tori settling in. We used to have glowing leashes, but the glowy part has flaked off. Think we need new leashes.
Oh, isn't Izzie just so cute! We can see why she would be your favorite little biped, Jack.
Those collars and leashes are really nice, Mom says they must be great to have while walking in the dark. We don't do too much of that here, Mom worries too much about falling.
Tori is just beautiful, so glad you were able to get her. Mom says that we will have a new sister one day too.
And thank you for the wonderful comments on our post.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Wooos! I am sure Tori will LOVE being a house dog! I do, I think it is great woo found a new sister. Scampi and I have those same glowing haunted leashes, because we only go for walkies in the dark ,due to the heat here. I also have a flashy light attached to my collar.
Isabelle is cute for a bi-ped....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I love that Tory has a purple collar, just like me! It's very cute. We need reflective leashes too, but we just got new collars to match our existing leashes! We wear our pup lights for visibility at night, so maybe that's good enough.
It sounds like she is a perfect fit!
Your leashes are so cool!
Play bows,
I just love reading about you two beauties.. I think Tori is going to fit in soo well. I love those leashes, pretty cool. The little biped is adorable.. Hugs GJ x
Your leashes look like light sabres! I'm glad to hear Tori is settling in so well.
HaRoooo Jack. Dem leashes shure look ghostly. We is so glad to hear Tori is settling in nicely wid you. Woo is such a good brudder. We knew that from how woo took care wid Star.
We is so furry happy fur woo.
Husky kisses,
Harrrrrr Black Jack a roo and Tori
Love the picture of the Pirate ship Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
P.s. Is Tori giving ye any signs she wants to be a pirate Harrr.
Purdy *Spiffie* lookin glow leashes!
Where did Hu-Mom pick those up?
They kinda out-shine our 'glow collars'.
My Own says there is something "special" about the way a husky smiles :)
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