
Monday View from the Moo: Hercules is our hero

Hercules... woo are our hero!
Woo brought us delightful mounds of fluffy snow!
Just look at all the fun we had!

Jack hides in the bushes while Moo innocently checks our yard...

 Jack springs into action....

and his suprise atack is a success!

but reataliation isn't far behind....

Time out to sit for cookies....

....and off to play again!

What a great day!   
We topped it off with a sunset walkie with mom....perfect!

Sadly, today's high temps & rain washed away most of Hercule's snow... but we're ready fur more!  Bring it on!

And that's today's View from the Moo,


The Army of Four said...

Isn't snow the BEST thing EVER!?!?!?
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Elyse K said...

Dear Jack and Moo! I am so happy to see woo two having fun in the snow! Could woo please have your bipeds give you some petting and hugs for me, xo!

Your admiring fan,

Elyse K said...

Dear Jack and Moo, I am re-posting on this old entry because these pictures of woo are STILL making me smile, almost a year later! And because we might get some snow tomorrow night into Christmas morning. I will keep a little of it and wish the rest out to woo because I know you enjoy snow so much! Sending you big hugs and love for Christmas 2014 ...

Your admiring fan,