
Sunny Sunday

After a little sunny smackdown...

...there's nothing like sunny skritches!

Sunshine even makes Moo mellow!
Hope woo are having a lovely sunny day this Sunday!

jack & moo


Suka said...

hey Jack and Moo,

I am having an even lovelier Sunday after seeing your pawsome sunny pics! :->

Enjoy the rest of your sunny Sunday!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Smackdowns and scritchies are the best - add in some sun - and an almost perfect day, just missing the snow:)

Happy Sunday.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Redberry Cottage said...

We want to join in too! What a beautiful day!
Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

The Websters said...

You look like you're having so much fun! What a fabulous Sunday!



sharkgila said...

Awesome sunny Sunday!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

The Army of Four said...

Hmmm... I think your post is living a double life...
Play bows,

Elyse K said...

Dear Jack and Moo,

I am sorry I missed your sunny Sunday. But it's been a sunny Tuesday here -- so, could you please have hu-mom or dad give you some sunny-day scritchies from me. The pictures are pawesome!

Thank woo,