
Jack the Joker

M: Where ya going, Jack?
J: I'm going to get Mom - she's got see this!
M: See what?"
J: I think there's a Reindeer's antler is in our backyard -
Santa's team, musta lost it when they fly over us!
M: Jack, it isn't Christmas till next week.
J: Must have been a test flight.
I better check this out myself...
It does look like an antler, could he actually be right?

What is is thing?
Jack, woo silly puppyhead, this isn't an antler,
its a branch from the willow tree.

Made ya look!
Its good to start the day with a laugh!

Jack a-roo & Miss Moo


Anonymous said...

Nothin' like being laughed at by the girls...

and nothing like a close up of a cute boy's snooter!

Finn said...

Aw, have a good weekend yourself! Have fun with those branches!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good one, Jack - you fooled Moo. But we bet she might be just as happy with that big branch.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Army of Four said...

Wellllll.... it COULDA been one!!!
Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,

jOjOEofArcadiA said...

If it was a real antler, Jack would have already eated it up!

24 Paws of Love said...

Jack, you're such a jokster!! Always good to get one on Moo isn't?? BOL!

Bassetmomma said...

That's pretty funny, Jack!

Rumpy Drummond- Talk to the Dog said...

*giggles* Oh Dog! At first I thought you guys had the most awesome treat EVER!

Kari in Alaska said...

ah thats a good one!

Stop on by for a visit