Yup, we had a spa day, visiting my friends and family at my home kennel.* I had a lot of fun kissing everyone and talking to them about all my adventures! See the pretty bow they put on me after my bubble bath?
And just look at this dapper fella! Mom says she hardly recognized him when he came out - his white parts looked soooo sparkling WHITE! He got a boy bow after his bath, but
check this out….

This is Jack's NEW collar! Could anything be more perfect for a pengie-loving dude?
Mom had it custom made fur him by Cody's Creations
and now that he is clean, he gets to wear it!

(Mom will get a pic & make it tomorrow's post!)
hope your day is bright and sparkling too.
a-roos to yous, and toodle-woo,
Jack a-roo & Miss Moo
* That's ME, playing with one of my buddies!
Ou look beautiful and bet you smell just as good! Cool collar
Benny & Lily
I almost had to get my sunglasses out, you two were so sparkling white!! Beautiful! Just beautiful.
You guys look great! The big question is - how long will it last? (Monty's record is about 6 hours!)
Oh Moo, you look lovely with your bow. And Jack's collar is very cool. I hope it gives him vibes of being with the penguins in Antarctica.
Well the spa did you wonders! you look fantastic!
Minnie Moo
You look beautiful, Moo and Jack! That is a perfect collar for Jack! Could you please have Hu-Mom give you each a hug from me. Happy Thursday! HUG! HUG!
Your fan,
Sorry you guys had to go thru the torture of spa day, but you look mahvelous.
Very cool collar.
Remy and Flash
Talk about shiny! I'll have to put my sunglasses on to look at you!
Looking very dapper and nice!!
Bet you feel good too!!
You both look stunning!!! I bet you feel better too getting some of that loose fur out. I always love my bath's but hate the brushing part!
Khady Lynn
You guys look awesome! I hope this doesn't give my mom any ideas, mind you...
Play bows,
Woooo!!! You do look bright!! Hey, that's My Cody's Creations!! I am super duper excited you were able to order from them!! Don't they just have the bestest stuff ever?? This morning I picked out of my closet the "RICH GIRL" collar and "Barkberry pink" Leash. Jimmy is decked out in "Barkberry blue" for his collar and leash set!!
Licks & Puppy Kisses,
Kylie & Jimmy
Ah, spa day, isn't it grand??? Well, at least it is for the hu-parents! You guys look beautiful! We hope you enjoyed your spa day! Happy Saturday!
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