
Mad Herding Skills

Since Moo is staying, I thought I'd make an instructional video to teach her the right way to treat my Pengies. Can't have her doing a snatch-&-grab on my Pengie herd! I've been practicing a lot cause I'm entered in the Herding Category of the MangoMinster this year! Sure hope my mad herding skills will give me an edge, since Siberians aren't usually associated with herding. But fur me, its an act of pengie passion!


jack a-roo and moo too


Phred said...

Wher's your Pony, Jack?

That was quite the How To video -
Mom is good on the camera!
(Sings a nice song, too!)

Did'ja get all them Critters up to
the North Pasture?
Is Moo doing anything to help with
the Herd?

Teddy Westlife said...

I'll be voting for you to win the herding category Jack-a-Roo!

D.K. Wall said...

We had to keep reminding ourselves during the video that you were talking Pengie Herd and not Thundering Herd.

JacksDad said...

Teaching the new kids is always a good thing!

You could be the next Martha Stewart!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I kept pikhturing The OTHER Herd too!

Well done Jack a-roo!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You do a great job of herding, Jack - lots of luck to you in the MM herding category.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

The Army of Four said...

You're the best pengie herder EVER!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... NOW I have another thing to teach my dogs. thanks a lot jack! for making your herding skillz make my dogs look bad! ;)

you have MAD herding skillz. Can I have them?
wild dingo