
Friday Flick: Nugget Boy

When mom & dad left me behind, Uncle Ken took care of me. I like Uncle Ken cause he always gives me nuggets through the fence. He even nicknamed me "Nugget Boy". He also calls me Smoochie, cause I run to the fence when he opens his door & "smooches" for me. Here is a little bit of one of our conversations:

He howls pretty good fur a human, don't you think?

a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo


JacksDad said...

I never knew that all huskies talked like that until I met some at the local dog park. They do the exact same thing - although one of them can 'woo' for like 3 minutes without stopping! :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe he khan help me do that!


Noll's Nip said...

Ah Jack....that makes me miss my husky Butch. I called him "Butchie Boogie My Old Puppy Dog." He had the sweetest way of talking. And he talked a lot! It sounded like "a woo woo woo."

D.K. Wall said...

Nice voice there, Nugget Boy. WE love the conversation.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos! Di he have treats in his hand to make woo do that on camera?I always clam up when that video comes on!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful

Jack & Moo said...

Kira: obviously there were treats involved.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I need to get an Uncle Ken. No one gives me anything through the fence and I think I am well qualified to be a nugget boy.


The Army of Four said...

He gives you NUGGETS through the FENCE?!?! I need a new fence! Or new neighbors!
He woos pretty well, but it's pretty accented. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,

Phred said...

Hard to tell WHO was doin the Woooin!

Did Unka Ken have you over in his house,
or did he commmute to yours?
Kinda nice havin your own Dawg Siter
livin next door.

Does Unka Ken have any FurKids -
beside YOU, that is?

Suka said...

hey Jack-A-Roos,

You and Uncle Ken should record a record as you two make a great howling duo! He is a very good howler for a human. Does he have husky blood in him?

Great nick-names you have, by the way!


Teddy Westlife said...

That was a very good conversation Jack-a-Roo.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Wooo Jack. Woo will have to keep Uncle Ken practicing. He's okay but woo sound pawsome.

Husky kisses,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We sure you hope you got lots of nuggets for that grand performance.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Anonymous said...

oh you're a MUCH better talker than him! much better!

Juno talks like that too, but only when really upset or at the end of a car trip and Loki is riling her up...but if she's in the car herself, she doesn't say "boo"...or "woo" for that matter.

sigh. the "woo-less" sibe. woo.
wild dingo

pee ess woo: my word verification is 'gases'. I wonder if they thought we were writing about Loki! hahahaha!

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Looks like woo were havin lotz of fun playin in the snow in yur other bloggie pics, Jack-a-Roo!

-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-