
Monday Movie: My New Toy

First, a few more pictures of the mystery object my dad was building. It's not quite done, but you can probably guess what it is now!

Tired dad!
It was getting dark, and dad's friends had to go back in the toolbox for the night. Mom & dad brought it around back. Its MY NEW BENCH!

Mom came outside with her coffee and sat on it while we watched the sun set - it was beawootiful!
Later she found me curled up in a little husky ball on my new bench - it's just right! A few more boards and it will be done!

This morning she gave me a new toy- and here's my Monday Movie, as I play with my new Husky Head toy for the first time!

a-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Yor dad is very clever and also very nice to build you your very own bench.. That video shows how much you like the new toy.. Zoonies with it wow.. Hugs GJ xx

D.K. Wall said...

We do love your zoomies. You must love that new toy.

Our hu-dad laughed. He was admiring your dad's ability to build a bench and was noting his (our dad's) own lack of skill. And then he saw his word of the day - cusses - and realized that is all he produces when he wields tools.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your Dad is so nice to make you a new bench - will he be adding a nice soft cushion too? He is very talented and creative - must be nice to have all those friends that helped him too.

Your new toy is pretty cool - gives you even more reason to do zoomies.

Woos, the OP Pack

Teddy Westlife said...

After all that zooming you didn't even look puffed out at the end, Jack-a-Roo!

My dad can't even figure out what the plastic green thingy is next to our water, so there's no way we're letting him near power tools.

The Army of Four said...

A new bench - just for you! That is SO cool!
I loved your zoomies!
Play bows,

Elyse K said...

Jack, the bench it is a nice place for you to sit with Hu-Mom and Dad!
If they would sit with you and give you some big hugs from me, that would be grand.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I have one of those toys too but it doesn't make me do zooooomies like that!

Maybe I'm playing with it wrong!

What a nice bench to watch those beaWOOtiful sunsets!

PeeEssWoo: Keep prakhticing those moves!

Phred said...

Looks like the WoodWright's Shop
expanded past the back patio ...
Too many A-tools & Mr Hammers to
fit, huh?

Now you need a Trolley rigged up
out front so you can do Zoomies
without getting hung up in the
sawdust area OR out on the street.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That looks like a super fun toy, but I bet it's not as fun as TORI!
