Round here eberyPup learns right away that Dad's extra eyeballs are NOT to be touched - on or off his headbone. NozePrints are NOT allowed to be applied - under pealty uvva butt-smack!
And takin a BYTE otta them??? OH HORRURS! The thought uvva kon-see-quences curl our toze! We'd be sittin onna front veranda fur a week iffin we just put a toofie-mark onna frames!
Woooos! You better get them squirrels, because if Mom can't see she can't type for you. I know, I tried .....Maybe Mom should find a place to out her glasses so the squirrels can't get them? -Kira The BeaWootiful
Hey, what can you do? I say that just because Dad was sleeping on the couch, wearing his glasses, and I jumped on his face and somehow his glasses got a crack, that's not my fault AT ALL!
Rut roh, how did that happen? Maybe Mom needs to get contacts instead:)
Happy weekend, the OP Pack
Well, we know that mom did not SEE you do it, now don't we?
Rut~Roh is rite!
Round here eberyPup learns right away
that Dad's extra eyeballs are NOT
to be touched - on or off his headbone.
NozePrints are NOT allowed to be applied -
under pealty uvva butt-smack!
And takin a BYTE otta them???
OH HORRURS! The thought uvva
kon-see-quences curl our toze!
We'd be sittin onna front veranda
fur a week iffin we just put a
toofie-mark onna frames!
Sure hope this *blowz over* fur ya Jack!
< *shakes* three heads >
This is definitely the work of squirrels. I've seen it hundreds of times.
Woooos! You better get them squirrels, because if Mom can't see she can't type for you. I know, I tried .....Maybe Mom should find a place to out her glasses so the squirrels can't get them?
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We all know how smart The Thundering Herd is!
I rest my khase!
Yeah. Squirrels. That's it.
PLay bows,
Oh no that innocent face could not possibly be guilty.. Must be squirrels.. Hugs GJ x
Hey, what can you do? I say that just because Dad was sleeping on the couch, wearing his glasses, and I jumped on his face and somehow his glasses got a crack, that's not my fault AT ALL!
I think he is suggesting LAZIK
Ozzzie and ZZZZZZzzzowie
Darn those squirrly squirrels!
You can't trust those evil squirrels. Not even for a second.
Huffle Mawson
I'm putting all my bets on those evil squirrels! They get into everything!!!
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