
Happy FurDad Day!

A-rooos to yous!
Happy Father's Day to all you Dads!

We wanna wish our furdad a specially wonderful Happy FurDad Day! He's such a good dad, he takes me & Star to lots of cool places.

Here we are at the beach:

and another beach:

and on another beach day:

and walking on the resevoir:

WHAT??????? Wait a minute Jack...

Duh Jack, how about a photo with ALL of him?




Oh good grief, Jack! Move over.
If you want something done right, let the Alpha do it...


(ha-roo-roo, one more time around & we'll WRAP this up!)

Husky kisses and woos, (only for you, Dad!)
Star and Jack A-roo


The Army of Four said...

Ha roooo! What great pictures! Happy Dad's Day to your dad!
Play bows,
PS: Sigh. The ocean. Sigh.

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy father's day to your dad! Mine never takes me for walks to the beach. But then again, I don't like water.

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrr Star and Pirate Jack a Roo
Happy dads day Harrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Elyse K said...

Happy Father's day to your furdad!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Lovely pictures of a real beach (not the pretend ones we have here)and it's great to see a picture of one of you humans.

Princess Eva

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO - Happy Fur Dad's Day - How awesome your Dad took you to the beach. We don't have real beaches in Iowa.

Thor and Marco Polo (happy to be home kid)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Good evidence of your attendance at The SZK Skhhool of Pikhture Posing!

Woo all look fantastikh!!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Your dad is super cool to take you on all those great walks! I hope he had a great FurDad day!


Phred said...

A belated Happie FurDad Day to Mr. JoJoe!

You Guys sure did find a NICE pair of Hoomins to move in with!

Hope you went purdy eezie on FurDad on HIS day.

Yipps * Yapps,
/s/ Cinder & SmokeMutt

My Two Best Friends said...

My Mommy said we have beaches in Iowa but no one wants to go there - they just want their homes back. I'm glad I don't live by those beaches!
Marco Polo
Happy Little Home Kid

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos for a fantastic Dad's Day for woo dad!!!

Kapp pack said...

Happy Belated Father's Day to your dad!

Woo woo, KA

The Husky in the Window said...

You'all really do have some fun walkies. It's been so hot here we can't go walking. The pavement is just too hot for our feets. Mom let us do zoomies thru the house last night.

Husky Hugs, MayaMarie