A-roos to yous,
Something's going on that just isn't fair. Star has a boyfriend, and I'm not allowed to wrassle with him. His name is Moon.
Sometimes we stop by Moon's house, sometimes he and his humans stop by ours. They stopped by yesterday and mom took pictures. Although you can't tell by this one, Star really adores this big guy, Moon. She gets all flirty whenever she's around him- they jump up & hug & do chesty-bumps, they play bow, they box, the jump over each other....
I think she's too old to be doing this sort of thing. Why, she's practically ancient! And me? I have to sit by & watch. I complain loudly and try very hard to dominate Moon, then I get dragged away. *sigh* I just wanna play! (Mom edited out the leash holding me prisoner)
Moon is very laid back, and pretty much ignores me. But he doesn't ignore Star, oh no, he likes her as much as she likes him. But I guess "Star and Moon" do sort of go together. Too cutesy if you ask me, I'm s'posta be the cute one.
I wish my cyber-girlfriend Mik lived close by so I could visit my sweetie, too...
Jack "3's a crowd" A-roo
Ooooh, he's SO handsome! But so are you, Jack! You're even MORE handsome!
Oh yes -
Don't mess with my pal Ammy on that one!
Your chokholate browns are in my top three!!
Gosh, he's way cute! I can see why Star likes him. Don't worry Jack- maybe you'll find a friend that will play with you like that soon. :)
Oh Jack, you look so sad and lonely! I wish you had a girl closer too. But be happy for Star, she looks very happy!
Moon is very handsome! You should be allowed to play. After all, don't you have to approve of your sister's boyfriend?
Sounds like a match made in heaven!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Harrrrr Matey Jack a Roo
Yer Cap'n has taged you on me blog Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
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