
Who Gives A Hoot?

Mom painted this young hoot owl last weekend, she calls it "Who Gives A Hoot".    She's entered him in the Thalo Magazine Cover Contest - would woo please "give a hoot" and vote fur her "Who Gives A Hoot" painting?  She'd win more art supplies & some green papers to getsome yummy treats fur us, too!

Speaking of TREATS, don't furget that this Saturday is 
Post a photo of woo with your treat jar/bag/box/ or place where your treats get stashed, and encourage your human to donate a box of treats to their local shelter....  " Because every furkid deserves a treat!"

Leave us a message that woo are pawticipating, and we'll put links to posts on our blog, and enter your names in a drawing to win a unique hand-painted ornament from our mom!   Now do woo "give a hoot"?   Ha-roo roo roo!

~Jack A-roo, Miss Moo, & Hootie-Who


Finn said...

Wow, that is beautiful!!

Finn said...

And we just headed over to vote! Good luck!

Duke said...

What a beautiful owl painting! Your mom is so talented, guys!
We're in for the Treat Jar! We'll be posting on Saturday for sure!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

JacksDad said...

I voted! That's beautiful.

How Sam Sees It said...

That is beautiful!


24 Paws of Love said...

What a beautiful painting!! So cool! I love owls, I think they are awesome and you captured this one so great!!


Val said...

That is a beautiful owl...just found you via Mitch and Molly. We'll head over that vote. Drop by if you care to :)

FiveSibesMom said...

He is beautiful! Wow! He looks like he could fly right off the paper...so real! Your mom is very talented! I hope she wins!!! Voted & commented! Good luck!

We are in the Treat Jar event too! Will be putting up our post today!