
Monday's View From the Moo: Toofer Tale

Ha-woo everyone!  It's me, Miss Moo,
finally back with a View from the Moo!

The pawrents have ben awfully busy lately, so not m much posting going on...  I would have posted, but I wasn't feeling very well myself for several weeks.   Seems that I broke one of my toofers and I had to go to the VetDentist and have it taken out.  It was my pre-molar, with 3 roots, so it had to be cut out in pieces.  Can woo see my Poodle-paw?   Don't woo just hate when they do that???
At least I'm feeling MUCH better now.    

I'm feeling well enough to go outside and help Mom & Dad trim the hedges in our play yard!   I'm helping mom rake & bag.    Jack came outside to help, too.    He likes to hang around dad & Mr. Trimmer.   Not too close when they're working, of course, but just to share guy-time.  

"Nothing like a good day's work to make us working breeds feel satisfied!"

And, of course, the after-work petting and treats are nice, too!

Wooing about treats reminds me ...... its almost October, and will very soon be time again for our annual event.
"Show Us Your Treat Jar" Day will be October 27th.   
New readers can read upon the link, but its a day when everypup & kitteh posts a picture of their Treat Jar (or bag or cupboard or box, however your pawrents stash your treats).  And, all bipeds are encouraged to take a box of treats to your local shelter, because every furkid deserves a treat.    

We have a surprise for this year, and we'll tell woo more about it as we get a little closer, but do plan to pawticipate!     And that's this week's View from the Moo...

Miss Moo


How Sam Sees It said...

Thanks for the reminder - we've forgotten about it the last couple of years!


Elyse K said...

Thank woo for the reminder about showing you Cassie's treats. I'll put it on the calendar and try to get up to the shelter with kitteh treats!

Sweet Moo, I am so sorry about your tooth. I'm glad you felt up to helping Jack snoopervise Hu-Dad and Mr. Trimmer! And you got plenty of petting and loves afterward <3 <3 Happy Monday!

Finn said...

Hope your mouth is feeling better! We did the treat jar last year, it was great! thank you for the reminder!

The Army of Four said...

Sorry to hear about the tooth fairy whomping you upside the head. Did he leave you any nice, mushy treats?

Two French Bulldogs said...

You sure are a big help in the garden. And welcome back
Benny & Lily

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Oh Moo! We are sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope you're feeling much better now. We will have to get some treats for our shelter. We cleaned out our toy box yesterday and have a big bag of toys to donate, so why not some treats too?


Sychoberians said...

We have been lucky with our tooths but our Dad knows all too well about the evil tooth doctor. Hope you are feeliing better Moo, and Woo Woo to you Jack.

Remy and Flash

Anonymous said...

Very nice Couple you have,that,s great.Looking v nice in all pics.
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