
The View from the Moo: Moomorial Day

We wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day!
We remember our wonderful
men, women, and canines
serving in our military, past and present.
We're furry grateful for your service.

We salute woo!
And I declare this as "Moomorial Day", too. I'd like to thank everyone for their good vibes & wishes for me during my little toofer-adventure. I'm feeling back to normal, I even dragged Jack around in the yard, just for the fun of it! All kidding aside, he really is a great brofur, and was furry caring & protective when I was feeling under the weather. What a guy!

The peeps have been busy. They moved a whole lotta stones out of the ground in our play area to a big circle by the trees, and then mom put lots and lots of dirt in the circle. Dad's been digging and taking dirt out of a whole lot of holes in the ground. Weird, huh? The peeps say it will all make sense. In the meanwhile, we're not allowed to do zoomies thru the holey part of the yard. *sigh* humans can be soooo confusing! and that's today's View from the Moo!

Have a good Moomorial Day, everyone! Remember to share your cook-out with your bestest canine pals!

Miss Moo

………….PART TWO…………..
We almost furgot - today is Sarge's
We'll tell woo a bit about our peeps-
Dad loves numbers. He thinks about them ALL the time. He even teaches numbers & math to new Naval cadets who will soon be heading off to the Naval Academy just as soon as he teaches them about some really cool advanced number stuff like calculus during their preparatory school. When he's not teaching, he plays Sodoku, and he is really really good at it. He also likes to build stuff and that requires using a lot of numbers too. Pretty much, if there are numbers involved, Dad (whose people name is Joseph) likes it.

Dad also gives good hugs. Jack loves ear skritches & hugs from dad.
Now Moo knows how to work the camera while she gets her hugs.
About our other peep, Mom….
Mom is an artist and draws lots of different stuff for a living. When she has time, she likes to draw & paint other things, like animals, too. She's usually chained to the computer and tablet, but we pry her loose once a day fur a walk, plus we let her out to cook meals and drive us around & things like that. We keep her busy so she doesn't wander off & get into trouble.

Mom loves to take pictures of us, but that means she isn't actually in many pictures with us. Since its Memorial Day, she thought it would be nice to tell woo about her special Memorial Day 2 years ago. At Battleship Cove, in Ma., they have a PT boat museum. The PT boats were made of wood and used during & after WWII, now only a hand full still survive. Mom's Dad was a Motor Machinist (engine mechanic) on a PT Boat, and when he passed away many years ago, he donated all his photos & memorabilia to the newly founded PT Boat Museum- but that was before they documented the names of donors.
Today, people are not allowed up on the boats… unless you are either a former Navy PT Boat Sailor or the descendant of one. and as a furry special favor, she was allowed to raise the flag on a PT Boat on Memorial Day. The director had arranged a little ceremony, several retired Navy men stopped by too. They even played a recording of TAPS, and saluted, while she raised the flag in memory of her father, John N. It was furry touching, a LES moment fur sure.
Mom was finally able to get copies of her dad's service records, so that he is entered into the proper museum records in honor of his service as a crew member on the famous PT Boats.


Saturday : Moo's Holey Moley

Sometimes we working breeds are called upon to work long hours. That's just what I did yesterday. I worked as a snoopervisor and watchdog.

I snoopervised dad a s he dug a trench, moved rocks, preparing to add a nice new deck in our part of the yard. (or "anti-mud platform", as mom calls it)
Mom & Dad brought Moo home from the vets office late afternoon. She didn't look so good, but don't tell her I said that!I kept watch over her while she recovered inside….
…and outside. It was a long night. She cried for a while last night, mom gave her ice cubes and that seemed to help. Mom told me not to worry, but woo can't help but worry 'bout your sisfur.
She's much better today. She even leaped way off the ground when Mom was holding her food bowl! Just to explain, she had a slab fracture, and prat of it broke off exposing the inside of the tooth, which is why it had to come out. (Not to worry, Tank, just a slab fracture isn't so bad). The largest molar has 3 roots, it can't be pulled. They make a flap in the gum, cut into pieces & removed it in sections. Then they stitch the gum back over the whole thing.
I think Moo will be feeling much better now that they fixed the holey in her moley. And I'm much better now that my sisfur is home!

A-roos to yous,
jack a-roo


Friday: Toofers day

Got my eyes closed cause Moo is gone and I'm wishing she comes back soon. Mom took her to the v-e-t today, and left her there. Being left at the vets never feels like a good thing, even though it really is a good thing.

Moo is having a big ol' molar removed cause she got a slab fracture in it a while ago. Mom & our nice vet have been keeping an eye on it, and think its time to get it out of there. They have to cut it into pieces cause it has crazy roots and can't be pulled.

Moo & I thought something was up cause last night there were no treats after dinner, and this morning even our water was gone. I had to wait for dad to give me breakfast once Moo and Mom were on their way. But I'm a good boy, I didn't mind.

I'm hanging out with mom & dad (he's home today, too-wooo!) working on the yard. Mom even gave me a special big treat to chew on while they are working. Maybe this being the only dog isn't so bad after all!

…then again, I miss my Moo!

A-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo without Miss Moo


Thursday Woos

First, we hope all our blogger friends are safe & sound - the are some very frightening storms going on and we are crossing our paws & praying for everyone's safety. There's a growing need for donations to help the rescue efforts, so please claw your humans to donate to a pet rescue in an affected area. Here's one to get woo started: Joplin Humane Society. And there is Tank's "Project Toto" helping provide warm blankets-- read about it at Tank's Two Cents. If woo visit Tank, you'll see some of the many many many wonderful pets waiting to be reunited with their families. Thanks, Tank!

Mom is furry busy lately, she says "the faster I go, the behinder I get". Pffffft! She's not even taking photos of us, much less attending to our blog! But tonight there was very pretty sunset--
...and she got a few pics of us in the pinky sunsetty light.
Both of us in forward mode:
And a close up of me, sweetie Moo:
And one of a firey-hot Jack a-roo:
Dang, I do have a handsome brofur, don't I?

Mom walked us extra long cause (lets be honest) she needs the exercise. We're doing our best to help her pick up the pace & all. Have you walked your human today?

a-roos to yous & toodle-woo,
jack a-roo & miss moo


The View from the Moo: Review

Good Moo-rning eveyone!
Lets' start todays View from the Moo with a little review of the past few days.
First, the world did not end as predicted.
Jack & I snoopervised our kooky mom's funny foto shoot.
Never let it be said Huskies don't have a sense of humor!
Mom's been digging in the dirt a lot lately (hmm, maybe she is part Siberian after all!) And she seems awfully pleased her new varigated iris bloomed the day after she planted it. it is pretty, isn't it? We can hardly wait till the Siberian Iris she planted blooms too!

And of course the event of the day yesterday was my birthday! Here we are waiting for dinner. We look furry serious,don't we? Well, woo would too if woo knew there was north Atlantic salmon heading your way! We had Yummie Chummies too, they are soooo yummi!
We have yet another rainy day today, which makes right now a very good time to curl up fur a nap. Toodle-woo!

Miss Moo


Happy Birthday!

It's my birthday today, I'm 6 years old. I'm getting lots of extra goodies today, including my very own bag of Yummie Chummies! I'm sharing them with Jack, of course, cause birthdays are the most fun when you celebrate with furiends & family! Mom promises to get a couple good pics of my fun day.

And, speaking of celebrating with families….
mom's oldest "pup" is celebrating his birthday too!

So, let's sing it again:
I wonder if Dan is going to have Yummie Chummies too? Hmm, probably not, but I saw Mom stuff a box with goodies earlier this week, then Jack & I rode along to the post office. She probably sent him something equally tasty for humans.

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Khake fur all!

Miss Moo, Birthday Girl!



There we were, relaxing on the deck, getting ready for a walk.
Suddenly, the wind picked up, and


A-roos to yous
...till we meet again!

Jack a-roo & Miss Moo


Wednesday Woos: blooming blooms

Rain, rain, rain…. good thing the peeps got their outdoor work done before the raindrops started to fall. We snoopervised, as usual. Here's a little garden tour on a rainy day (cause that's just how it is this week)

Mom's new cool flower holder- including a treat dispenser for the birdies.
The wrens and chick-a-dees love it.
There is even a pair of cardinals who make a daily appearance!
Mom planted her herbs in pots on the patio, safe from wascally wabbits.
….and there are 3 pretty lilies by the fence….
this one is particularly spectacular!
Mom is planting a few special plants in the yard, loving reminders of special people & pets. She planted Blue Moon phlox, Lily-of-the-Valley, some hostas, and her favorite new plant -
a beawootiful ever-blooming hydrangea.
So, I guess April (and May) showers do bring May flowers… after the humans go to the garden center!

Ha-roo roo roo!

a-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo & Miss Moo


Monday's View from the Moo

nothing new to report.
And that's this week's View from the Moo.

Miss Moo

Well.almost. We do have one thing we want to mention:

Please stop by our furiends at Holly's House, their dear brofur Kona crossed the RB over the weekend…. and if woo look up and see a big fluffy white cloud, its probably Kona floating by!

Godspeed, handome Kona, woo can rest easy now that woo are healthy again, over the Rainbow Bridge. We won't furget woo!


Friday Fotos: the Folks

Our pawrents- off to a graduation ball at a Newport mansion last night:
An hour earlier, dad was spreading cement and mom was washing the car. They clean up pretty good, don't they?

jack a-roo & miss moo


Monday's view from the Moo

Good morning everyone! We hope everyone had a nice weekend? Our local weather peeps predicted thunderstorms and rain all weekend…. but we all know how accurate they are…NOT! We had one of the most beautiful weekends so far this year!
our mom & dad were busy outdoors this weekend, and one of our favorite events happened - fresh straw! See the new bale behind Jack in this pic?
Fresh straw is always fun because woo have to get it all fluffed correctly inside your dog house. You have to turn this way, and then this way, and then back this way, and then fluff it with your snooter, and then… wait a minute, I'll just demonstrate:

Get the idea? It tend to be unruly, too, so woo have to go stomp it down a few more times to get it just right. Woo-hoo-- we love fresh straw! And that's today's View from the Moo,

Miss Moo

PS - Mom says she apologises the video is boring, she hasn't quite figured out this "new improved" overly complicated version of imovie yet. There was supposed to be sound, but it disappeared.


Happy Mother's Day!






Derby Day!

It's Derby Day!
…and yet another opportunity to be stylin' in a hat!!!!
Like my Derby Day Chapeau?
Its from the Miss Moo's Millinery
Couture Canine Creations Collection

Did woo pick your winner yet?
They have some funny names:
Uncle Mo, Dialed In, Nehro, Midnight Interlude, Pants On Fire, (gotta love that one!), Archarcharch, Mucho Macho Man, Soldat, Animal Kingdom, Brilliant Speed, Twice the Appeal, Master of Hounds, Derby Kitten, Santiva, Twinspired, Decisive Moment, Shackleford, Watch Me Go, Stay Thirsty, Comma To The Top

Whew! Sounds like a race with dogs, cats & horses, doesn't it?
Pawsonally, I don't care who wins, I just want to wear another fancy hat!
Miss Moo


Friday Fotos

We were hanging around inside watching the front yard from the living room window. Mom went out & put some bread on top of the bushes, and look who came to visit!
Mr. Squawky himself!
Then a few of his friends dropped by too. They didn't stay furry long, just argued with each other a bit, grabbed the bread & flew off. They didn't even say "thanks"! Kind of rude, don't woo think?
And mom is so furry happy- the little dwarf nectarine she & dad planted in Feb. is covered in pretty pink blossoms! It makes us happy when mom's happy.
Aren't they pretty?
Hope woo have a pleasant Friday!

Jack & Moo


Cinco de Mayo!

(Any excuse to wear a cool hat!)

Our furiends at Zoolatry told us to stop by Missy Blue Eyes
!Holey Moley!
Those cool cats are throwing a fantastico
Cinco de Mayo pawty - drop on by!

Jack A-Roo & Miss Moolatte


Wednesday - WOO!

I dunno, mom, must have been those magic beans I gave her…
We were just lying here side by side….
When all of a sudden, Moo began to grow….
and grow and grow……what the…?

A-roos to yous,
Jack & the Giant KidSister


Monday - the View from the Moo

Good moorning! Forgive the late posting, I'm still suffering from jet-lag and slept in! Anyway, today's View from the Moo features pictures from our walk yesterday. It was warm & sunny on sunday, and we were out driving around - mom came across this furry cool bike path.
It took us up along the bay….
we saw a geese family teaching their babies how to swim here - so cute!
(mom didn't get a pic, you'll have to trust us on that "cute" part.)

And we passed some amazing back yards -
just look at this magnificent magnolia in bloom!

We heard cackling…. and mom spotted this cute little red hen house -
notice the "state of Texas" window trim?
We walked & walked, and Jack spotted something else cool-
Check out this tree-house village for birds!
Many people said hello to us as they biked & jogged past, it was run to see them all! We had a nice long drink of water when we got back to our Siberian Outback.

In spite of it being a great place to walk, we will not go back.
Once mom got us to the car, she noticed there were some
undesirable "hitch-hikers" trying to tag along.
She pulled 4 ticks off me, oh yuck! As soon as we got home, we both got brushed & inspected and got our monthly tick meds a few days early.

Tis is a good time to take this opportunity to remind everyone to inspect us pups on a regular basis and use a good form of reliable flea & tick meds thats appropriate for where you live. Be especially wary if you buy these online - mom tried that once and when they arrived, that formulation had no protection from lyme tics, which we have in abundance here. Fortunately the parent company replaced it with the right stuff at no charge, but be warned, check what you get carefully.

That wraps up today's View from the Moo, time to go nap in the sun,

Miss Moo