Hey Mom, what are woo doing over there?

Can woo see her, Moo?
Almost… Mom, what are woo looking at?

"Looking at signs of spring. I'm admiring these mini-daffodils!
small they are next to regular daffs & the tulips?"

Hey, now I see her! Yup, she's looking at flowers.
The big question is…..

...are they tasty?
wooing on wednesday,
jack a-roo & miss moo
LMAO .. I'm sure they'll check them out.
I think they must be! They can't look that good and not be delicious! Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
PS: Do you think they taste like butter, since they're yellow????
Very pretty - can you get to them to taste test?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I love the daffodils. That is how I know spring is here. I have noticed some mini-daffodils too.
Only if you put them in a salad with a little oil and vinegar! :)
oh they're tastey. especially if woo dig very deep holes to get them out... (says Juno)...
Mmmmm tasty.
Of khourse, with bakhon and cheese too!
We always have to be careful what we are looking at when Monty is around. He takes careful notes and tears it up later when we aren't looking!
Peek a boo
Benny & Lily
They MUST be tasty or else you would be allowed near them!
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