
Monday's view from the Moo "Blue Moo"

What do woo mean, "What have I been into?"
Whatever gave woo the idea I've
"been into" something, mom?
...oh, these?
and this?
I was being artistic, mom, just like woo.
I call it my "Blue Moo tribute to Blue Moon Star".*
Can I haz a treat now?

That's my story & I'm sticking to it on this week's View from the Moo

toodle woo,
Miss BlueMoo
*Blue Moon Star
still watching over us
from the Rainbow Bridge


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Fur sure!

Blue MOOoooooooooon!

I think woo've been reading your mom's bloggie!


Khady Lynn said...

I think being artistic is a sign of definite intelligence. And, you sure are one smart Moo!!!


Anonymous said...

Like Momma like sibe... wha???

An artist's work is never done. Especially if that artist is a sibe. so um, if I were woo, I'd lock up the paints. Just a little advice from the mom of a Dansko-as-a-medium artist.

D.K. Wall said...

Very artistic! We love Moo Blue. Maybe Crayola will pick it up.

JacksDad said...

Maybe you're going to get an original painting for Christmas! :)

Elyse K said...

Blue Moo as a tribute to Blue Moon Star... works for me!

Miss Moo, did woo and Jack get any snow?

Your admiring fan,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Rut roh - that doesn't bode well for you, Moo. But we must admit the color becomes you so furry well:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Yas said...

Superb! Blue is my fav color too!


24 Paws of Love said...

This post made my whole day! I couldn't stop laughing! Thank you Moo, you turned my blues into woos!

Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL, you got caught!
Benny & Lily