
Monday's View from the Moo: Moomorial Day

We are grateful to all our Services men & women for the freedoms we enjoy.
Thank you, and
Happy Moomorial Day

And that's today's View from the Moo Moo-vee,

Misss Moo


The many moods of Jack

Mom caught me in a reflective moment...

And decided to have some fun with my picture:
Jack in Brown
Moody Blues Jack
Radioactive Jack?
She was going to do this for Moo too, but just as she was taking the pic, somepup stuck a big fuzzy head in the way!
So we went fur a walk instead.
...and finally, the beawootiful sunset cloud we saw on our walk:
Have a beawootiful day!

jack a-roo & miss moo


Wooless Wed on Thursday

We were completely wooless on Wednesday--
it was 85+ and too hot to get up & make mom post:

We had little "t" and little "s" thunder storms last night,
so now its nice & cool.
Time to get hopping and stir things up around here!

a-roos to yous, & toodle-woo!
jack a-roo & miss moo


Monday's View from the Moo: Back to usual

Woos, everyone! Thank woo to all my blogging friends fur all the lovely Birthday wishes! The beans had company this weekend, and mom FURGOT to post my special picture - DUH! So here it is, a little late:
birthday moo
Woo helped make my day furry special! I had a delicious hamburger with my dinner as a special Birthday treat! Now it's Monday, and everything is back to usual. Here's a Monday Moo-vee mom put together from several clips she's taken over the past week. Ha-roo roo, this is a fun one!

Hope your Monday isn't too boring and woo don't end up snoring!

Miss Moo


Just for woo, Miss Moo!

Woo-hoo, its Moo's 5th birthday!
Did woo hear me sing Happy Birthday to my sisfur?
Miss Moo hit the jack pot with a Birthday Club package from
MayaMarie's mom,
the baker of Happy Hearts cookies!!!
MMMMM, cheese & bacon flavor, yum yum yum!

Woo, are those fur me?
Jack, there's even a special cookie with your name and a penguin on it!
We don't even mind sitting pretty fur one of these tasty treats!
Happy Birthday Moo, we love you!
Jack a-roo, Mom, & Dad too


Floofy Friday

Look at all this fluff!
Yeah, do you see it in there somewhere?
No, maybe its in the front room?
Maybe it's in the one of the bedrooms?
Not here either.

Where there's floof, there's Siberians.....

Mom, there's enough floof here for another Siberian,
where is it hiding?

Have a floofy Friday!
jack a-roo & miss moo too


Happy Gotcha Day!

We were looking around for some munchables on Monday (since we can't crunch on our tree anymore) when Dad brought home some furry tasty-looking flowers.

But, we weren't allowed to munch on those, either. He gave them to Mom cause it was their Gotcha Day!! They got each other 14 years ago, and now they live happily ever after in our house... It's a furry furry furry fine house, with 2 Sibes in the yard, life used to be sooo hard, now everything is easy cause of woo.....

Happy Anniversary to our pawrents!

your furkids,
Jack & Moo

Monday's View from the Moo: Weekend update

Ha-roo dear friends,
Another busy weekend is over! We kept things "hopping" over here- (if woo read our last post , woo will know what I mean).

"Have you seen my honey bunny?"
Sorry, rabbit, there was a little hunting accident.
(hey, its just the natural order of things
in the animal kingdom)
Our tree seems to have had some difficulty too. I guess our peeps don't appreciate all the work Jack & I have been doing stripping the loose bark off this tree in our new yard. It's our favorite tree.
Some tree-service man came out told her the tree would recover in 3 - 4 years if she can stop the damage. ....Damage????
Mom spent Sunday afternoon wrapping wire around our favorite gnawing spots.
She calls it her tree sculpture. She "sewed" the mesh together with wire and tried to get all the pokey ends tucked in. She & Dad measure out the yard & said if we don't knock it off, they'll have to move the fence so we can't get to the trees. Yikes! We love playing back there! We're still pondering what our next move is.
Mom rearranged our igloos too, so we can see each other. It's lots fun, like 2 hotel rooms with a door in between!
Here I am stepping out of one - I think I'll go check out the bedding in the other one before I decide where to nap.

And that's this week's view from the Moo,

Miss Moo



Mom & Dad went out to dinner and didn't bring home any doggy bags, but that's ok cause Moo & I got "take-out" for ourselves. We "took out" a big fat juicy rabbit! We've been tracking it for days & nights. We divi'd up our catch, Moo ran off with the head and I got the whole body.
They came home & mom wondered why we wouldn't come in.... boy was she surprised!
Mom "traded up" for some yummy treats, but it was a trick - she snapped on leashes so she could make us go back inside while she stole the leftovers. We almost had a possum too, we had it cornered near the back door, and Mom thought it was dead. It scared the wits out of her to see it there, but then it ran off while she went in for more body bags. Dad told her to poke it with a stick, but she was too scared. (those possums are kinda scary looking.) Maybe we'll finish it off tomorrow night.
Jack, the Happy Hunter-roo
I am pretty darn proud of us, we make a great tag team! Now excuse us, Mom noticed "proof" on my cheek in the picture and she's walking this way with a washcloth-- gotta go!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & miss moo, mighty hunters

Night Patrol

*sniff sniff*
This way, Moo....
Well it was over here...
Oh Jack, I think we're just sniffing in circles...
Well, keep your snooter to the ground & don't give up,
if it's on our side of the fence, we'll find it!

Still out on night patrol,
jack a-roo & miss moo


Wednesday Thank-Woo

Our Wednesday Woo is a big THANK-WOO to Biloxi & his Sibe Sibs: Danya, Vada, Nikita, and Invanna. We got a package from them in the mail addressed to us, and just look at the cute letterhead:

Inside the box were these furry khool (Moo proof) toys!
We asked furry nicely, "Mom, would woo please read the letter to us?"
Biloxi says these are house warming gifts. We're not sure how they warm the house, but we get all warmed up bouncing them all over the place! (We stop when mom wants to take pictures ... it's a Siberian thing)

Then we asked her "Mom, would woo please make a nice Thank Woo post on our blog? And as woo can see, she did!
Thanks again to our friend Biloxi & his pack, woo pups rock!

Off to play,
jack a-roo & miss moo


Monday's View from the Moo: More Moos

Welcome to another Monday View from the Moo. Thought we'd take a break from the moo-vees and I will show woo some of the other moos that live around here.

These moos live on the next road over:
I think they must be Oreo cows, cause they are dark chocolate on both sides and white in the middle. Or maybe these cows are the ones that supply the milk kids like to dunk Oreo cookies in. Mom says the farm they are on has a petting zoo for kids, (so it would make sense that those cows supply dunking milk). They also have lots of goats and kids (the goat-kind), and sheep, and whatnot. But no Siberians. I think they should hire Jack & me to be part of the petting zoo. We're much nicer to pet than some of those other animals. That would also give us some money of our own to go buy treats. Dad would like that, cause sometimes when we're sitting and waiting patiently for treats, he looks at us and says "Get a job".

Mom goes to the Big City sometimes, and she took this picture the other day. I didn't know they had moos in the city!
And lastly, a nice picture of Mom's favorite Moo................ ME!

And that's today's View from the Moo!

Miss Moo


Happy Mother's Day!

We wish every Mother a Happy Mother's Day!
here's a couple of special call outs to our moms:

Happy Mother's Day, Mama Trendy!
Love from your boy, Jack

Happy Mother's Day, Mama Relentless!
(I take after my mama!)
With Love from your darling doghter, Moo
Happy Mother's Day to
our biped Mom, too!
We love our mom!

Since we're all paws when it comes to cutting flowers
(mom seems to get a little upset when we unearth the flowers with our paws - imagine that!)
here's some pictures of the pretty lilacs in our yard fur EveryMom today.

Snooter-kisses fur everyone!
jack a-roo & miss moo


Hanging out with Jack

A few of woo have asked if I have anywhere special to hang out in. Well, no staircase here, so no cool landing to put my feety-feets up on, but this is my new favorite outdoor spot. It's a nice cement landing that leads from the breezeway to the backyard. It stays cool all day long and I can keep an eye on who's coming & going.

My new indoor space is under the big dining table. Mom couldnt get a good shot of me, so she ducked down & got this one looking between the chair legs. It was fun at first, cause my bipeds were freaking out trying to figure out where I was! It's crumb-heaven down here, too.

*Yawn* Oh excuse me! It's so cozy here, I can't help but want to take a nap!

I call this "Leaving the Jack cave".
From here I can just take a few steps and stretch out in the kitchen, always a good place to hang out!

And here's another favorite place - where the hall meets the living room doorway. I can see the front door, kitchen entrance, and both bedroom doors all at once! I call this pic "Hall Monitor", ha-roo roo roo!

So now woo know where to find me when woo come visit. Woo are coming to visit, right?

A-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo