Hey, Mom! It's almost time to pack up the Siberian Outback!
Jack's checklist:
1. moose blankie *CHECK*
2. Sleeping mat *CHECK*
3. Food & treats *CHECK*
4. toys fur in the car *CHECK*
5. leashes & brush *CHECK*
6. khool camo-bowl *CHECK*
(check out my portable water bowl fur the hike - it's furry "Ao4", don't woo think?
7. potty clean-up bags *CHECK*
See, I won't take up much room:
oh yeah! CHECK fur TOTT Rescue *CHECK*
Thanks fur all your support! We raised $170 in pledges to help homeless huskies- that's furry khool, woo guys rock! (If woo just now snagged your bipeds plastic, woo can still make a pledge through the TOTT site, just click the sidebar link.)
Mom & me plan to "hit the road, Jack" on Friday morning to head west to Moon's place. I'm so furry excited! Husky smack-down with Moon, a full day of hiking with lots of other huskies, and meeting Khyra & her mom....all I can say is "woos & a-roos!!!!"
(Yup, I did get a b-a-t-h yesterday. Thanks fur the compliments on my "spikey look"!)
Jack a-roo
I think I was in the same pawsition last night!
I'm sooooo excited!
I'm not sure woo and Moon will know what hit woo!
Mom and I sooooo furry excited!
We are so jealous - wish we could be there too. It would be so much fun to meet you and Khyra and Moon in the fur, and to meet your Moms too. Looks like you hit everything on your list. Have a lot of fun and give sweet Star some snooter smoochies from all of us.
Woos, the OP Pack
We wishes we could be there with woo! I know woo will have fun!!
Harrrrrr Black Jack A Roo
That is a cool bowl Harrrr. Have fun whith yer trip Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
We're so jealous! Jack! Moon! Khyra! Lots of other huskies! We wish we could be there too.
Princess Eva
You're taking a blankie for a moose? That's mighty considerate of you. I didn't know there would be moosies there!
Hee hee hee.
Have fun Jack-a-Roo! Make us all proud!
Huffle Mawson
WOO Jack-a-roo, woo look furry handsome. Give Khyra a sniff for us!!!
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
That sounds like a good list, but I think you should have left the brush at home.
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