
Shhhhhh, I'm snowzing...

Our last storm blew snow into big drifts, which is good cause they stick around longer. Mom snuck up & caught me making the most of the snow a few days ago. She even coined a new term for this popular Siberian pastime:
here I am
snowzing in my favorite spot!

A sibe should always put snow to good use, especially before it all melts away.

Todays news: Storm Warning for our area

According to the weather-predicting humans (and we all know how accurate they are) we are supposed to get up to 5" of snow this evening. As woo can see, our snow is almost gone & we're ready for more!

What did woo say? Is there something out of place? Where?

Woos, check this out! Hmm, its A. Shovel, and its new in town. A. Shovel came to replace the one that broke during our last storm. The label says its for "Arctic Blizzards"- a-roos! I hope that's what we get tonight!

Star settled herself on the couch to wait for the snow. I think Penguin & I will join her.

A-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh My!

What beaWOOtiful pikhs!

Good lukhk with akhtually GETTING more of the white stuff...

I'm still waiting fur mine!


Kapp pack said...

HA HA....snowzing...I will have to try that later tonight!

Kisses, KSB

ThePainterPack said...

I hope you get to use that shovel a lot! Snow!! Snow!!! I know someday my "snow" will come...until then, I will daydream in your snow!!

Mya Boo Boo

Teddy Westlife said...

Hey, is A. Shovel related to A. Drill in any way?

Purring for snow for you!

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Life With Dogs said...

We'd be happy to send a truckload of snow your way! Keep that shovel handy!

D.K. Wall said...

Snowzing - we love the phrase. And it is so fitting for us too. Hard to get everyone to understand how cool it keeps our bellies.

the magic sleigh said...

Pretty pictures, have fun snowzing, looks like it would be cool, i keep hoping, looking at the sky, but that snow thing never seems to happen here

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

This whole snowzing thing looks fun. I think I could get into that. . .I just need some snow so that I can practice it. Nice pics!


The Army of Four said...

"Snowzing"? Ha roo roo roo! Good one, Jack!
And Star.... oh, Star! You look soooo bee-roo-tiful up there on the couch. Sigh.
Play bows,

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo Woo and HaRooooo!
Maw likes the "snowzing". I kinda do da same thing too. I makes a comfy snow spot and makes sure I have a chew hoove. Den I hides it for later and have a frozen hoove.

Husky kisses,

My Two Best Friends said...

WOO WOO Star and Jack

You guys makes such beautiful pictures!

Thor and Marco Polo

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I sure hope you got that 5-inches of snow! That sounds heavenly.
