
Chinook Kennels - Part 2

Woos & a-rooos,
Here we are, as promised. We have a few more pictures from historic Chinook Kennels. Yesterday we showed woo the memorial markers and the kennel runs, today we have a view of the house:

and the "office" cabin, which is generally falling apart:

Mom didn't take any pictures of the museum buildings, but the two of them were connected with an overpass that leads to the trails down the hill. We thought we'd look perfect under this sign:

ha-woo-woo-woo, see what we mean?

Just another nice view of us:

Mom sent an e-mail to the Chinook Kennels Heritage Foundation. The nice folks e-mailed back and told her that the property was privately owned by husky enthusiests . The original idea was to run the museum with the support of various breed clubs, and the owners would maintain the property. But apparently other things seemed tho have more urgent need for $$, and this project was abandoned. Too bad, it's a cool place. We'll leave you with a close up of the marker in the area mom suspects holds husky bones:

Now today our trip to NH has taken on an even stranger twist - it turns out that mom's friend (who owns the cabin we stayed in) is the niece of Arthur T. Walden, founder of Chinook Kennels & developer of the Chinook breed, and head trainer & dog-driver for Admiral Byrd!! Tune in tomorrow for more!

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look furry fantastikh on the trail!

We want to thank woo furry furry much fur sharing such a khool trip AND findings!!


Phred said...

Does that make you guys Famous?

Are you now related to Admiral Byrd's Sled Dawgs - or maybe the Admiral, hisself?

D.K. Wall said...

Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a great trip!

Amy and the Huskies said...

Very cool! We enjoyed the historic husky photos and of course the ones including beautiful Star and Jack!

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Star and Black Jack a Roo
To bad it is not been kept up Harrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Anonymous said...

We are so jealous of your awesome trip!!! The photos are amazing.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo Woo,
I's has to tell Maw and Paw ta visits this. Paw has a cuz dat lives on Hurrican Mountain in New Ham-sure. Wonder how far dat is?

Husky kisses,

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow, that's really cool. It's neat that you found it!


My Two Best Friends said...


This is such a neat place ! We would love to visit it!

Thor and Marco Polo