I apologise for the long time between posts. Most of you know we moved to Florida in June 2016, and honestly, I just haven't taken the time to post. It has been quite an adjustment, but Jack & Moo got to enjoy indoor a/c, a new treat for them! I started working at several places, and time just seem to slip by. We bought a "new" retirement home in a +55 community and spent several months fixing it up, getting ready to move in this coming May, when our lease is up.
Now for the unexpected part: Jack and Moo both crossed the Rainbow Bridge with 34 days of each other. After battling liver disease for several months, Moo passed away in our arms, at home, on Dec. 16th. We miss her terribly, she was an unending source of joy and humor to our family.
We lost Jack suddenly on Jan. 20, just a couple days ago as I write this. He collapsed while I was taking him to the car for a ride, and we rushed him to the emergency specialists. While working on him, he started to crash, they almost lost him. We were told they suspected a tumor was bleeding out into his abdomen. This made a rather short list of options, none of which would be without substantial pain and prolonged suffering. We made the decision to release him. We got to spend a couple hours with him, and he was peaceful and calm.
I whispered to him to go with Moo when he saw her. He looked past me, I had the feeling he could already see her. While we are deeply heartbroken, it makes my heart glad to know they are together again forever. Those two adored each other.
This is so hard to write, we feel lost without our furry family members. In spite of the pain of losing them, we wouldn't have it any other way. They made our lives run over with happiness. We are so grateful for them, and LOVE lasts forever.
Sorry for the long wordy post, but JoJoe & I wanted you to know how much we appreciate your friendship over the years, and your love for all our beautiful cybersibes:
Star, Sherman, Tori, Jack, and Moo.
God bless you and yours.Pat & JoJoe