Mom says we can't post how many candles she has on her cake, but its enough to set the house on fire, ha-woo woo woo!
The rains of Arthur have ceased (we got 3.25 inches on the 4th), and last night's neighborhood fireworks are over. Its a beawootiful, cool day and the whole pack is gonna all hang out together today - woo-hoo!
Dad has been furry busy building decks & stairs & stuffs..... Good work, Dad!
Mom's been busy painting. Here's what see's been working on recently. And she's been furry busy teaching painting classes this summer! (the top 2 just fur fun & the other 3 are for lessons.)
And we've been furry busy snoopervisig it all...
Hey, wait a minute! Woo got us on our coffee breaks - no fair.
In fact, its been enhausting looking after our peeps.
We are a hard-working breed and proud of our hard work!
and we're looking furward to some cake & treat rewards later today!
Have a happy, hard-working day!
~Jack A-roo & Miss Moo