
The View from the Moo: Tuesday Edition

Good mmoo-rning everyone!
I guess today would be a good day to recap the events over the past couple weeks.

Firstly, Mom & Dad went to Hawaii and left us at Colonial Kennel Bed & Breakfast, my home kennel. I am always sooooo happy to see my furiends & family there!   They love Jack, too, and we get a nice cozy kennel-for-two while we're there.

Our stay always concludes with a spa-grooming, so we look super cute for our pawrents.  See:

It also happens that this time, mom & Dad picked me up on a furry special day -   
They greeted us in typical Hawaiin fashion, with flower leis-  
We were so good, we didn't even try to eat them!

the Moo is lookin' good while turning 8!

 we got some really good yummy treats.

Since then, its been "back to normal"

The other big events were that MY birthday is also our oldest boy's Birthday, too.   Mom got this photo in her email with our younger boy.   I guess they aren't "boyz" anymore, but woo know what I mean!
Happy Birthday Dan!

WE missed one big event - while Mom & Dad were in Hawaii, they celebrated 
their 17th Anniversary Hawaiin style - at a Luau!    
They learned how to make Hawaiin crowns - don't they look adorable?    Ha-woo woo woo! 

On Sunday, mom loaded us into the car for a long ride - and we met some of our favorite bloggers- Wild Dingo Woman & Mr. Wild Dingo!
did woo see the picture I posted yesterday?  Be sure to check them out!

As woo can see, its been a furry busy time at Maison Moo et Jacques!

And that's this week's View from the Moo

Miss Moo


Wild Dingo Encounter!

Hot dog!    We've had a wonderful afternoon and meeting up with some of our bloggin buddies and  hiking Purgatory Chasm Park.
Wowzers, look at this--- me with Juno's Mama!
I gave her lots of kisses, and she tasted good!

And here's Jack with her too!

And let me woo that Juno's DingoDadddy sure know how to rub ears just the right way!!!

We also got to meet Norbert- and he is one wild & crazy fella!  I had a blast following him through lots of mud puddles on the trail, and he showed the humans the trail in the woods when they were confused.    Ata boy!

(Jack was a little jealous cause Norbert got to run off-lead.)

Here is a typical "tail view" pic from Mom's side of the camera.... 
but the a "face first" pic Julie  is taking is posted on fb!

The rocks were realy cool to climb on...
 We hiked up the trail, but Norbet jumped up in one big leap!  
After a minute of fussing around to get everyone "ready"....

We all looked forward and said "CheesePlease" for the cameras!

 Mom loved how Norbert's coat gave him great camoflage against the rocks.

We hit the end of a trail at a little pond, some waterfalls, and a cave

Well, dhat shoud we do?  go fur a swim, like Norbert did?
Uh, I don't  think so, Jack....mud is one thing, but water???
I think I'd like to go check out that little dog over there, just to see if she's tasty.... I mean, friendly.

After some soothing words & encouragement from Juno & loki's mom (while I watched),
Jack decided not to have a yappitizer break.
 And with that, we hiked back.  A nice park employeed took pics of all of us, (we swiped this one from Norbert's peeps)....
The Purgatory Chasm Pack

...and then we snoozed all the way home.....

Jack & Moo


Monday's View from the Moo: Lazy Spring

Ha-roo everyone,

Its me, Miss Moo.   Nothing much going on this week.  spring is very lazy this year, the flowers are taking their time to appear,  and the weather it taking its time to warm  up.  Which is a-ok in our book.  we may not have snow like some of our lucky furiends, but at least its not blazing hot yet.

So we are just hanging around, enjoying our yard.
Mom says she LOVES the picture of us she just took:

Of course, tight before and right after that pic, I was harrassing Jack, as usual.  
Hee hee, he's so much fun to tease!

The biggest thing goin on is right behind us, on the other side of the hedges. Lots of banging, sawing going on.  Someone finally bought that old dump and is remodeling it.  Mom & dad seem overjoyed at this, mom says she hated to looking at the old peeling siding, gutters falling off, messy yard, and listening to the lady scream off her back porch.   (Mom said she could put a trucker to shame with her foul mouth!)   Wowzers, look at those new windows & doors, too!

I will share one vignette from mom's rock garden, where our little angel is watching over the blue moon phlox blooming at her feety-feet.   A little bit of serenity amid the sounds of hammers & saws!
I hope woo are having a peaceful day, too.

And that's this week's View from the Moo,

Miss Moo


Congratulations to Orb- did ya see me???

Ha-woo!    Well, it was another exciting race at Derby Downs, 
and a big Congratulations to the winner, Orb. 
I had such a good time at the race!  
It was furry muddy and really fun to zoom through!   
I think the horsies had fun in the mud, too.

I did manage to sneak up to the rail at the end of the race -
 if woo look closely at the photo of this TV interview,
woo can see me, Miss Moo, peeking over the siderail.   
Did I mention it was muddy?  
Ha-roo, roo, the mud just added tot he fun!

I was able to wipe my face off on some wet grass, but those ponies got the full shower aftert the race -
 I think this one returned the favor and gave his bathers a shower, too! 
Hope woo had fun today, whether it was in the mud, the snow, or the sunshine.
Time to retire my hat till next year!

Miss Moo


Get your Derby Day on!

Ha-woo ladies!
It's time to get your Derby Day hat on!

This is my sunny little number for this year!
I think I can probably sneak right up to the Winners Circle in this one, the humans will never suspect a big daisy!  I'll blend right in with all the other flowers there!

Wish me luck!

Miss Moo


What we do all day every day....

Apparently Mom was home working and looked out in the back hall.... 
Oops!  We thought she was gone to work and took up our posts as usual.

Me, making sure no one sneaks in the back door.
Jack, multi-tasking as he guards the front door and blocks the garage door. 
Its our job, its what we do.

woos & A-roos to yous!
Jack & Moo