
Happy Jack Day!

Happy Birthday Jack-6

Nothin' says "birthday" like a penguin hat with candles, wouldn't you agree, Jack?
Well, maybe a nice big juicy jackeral mackeral would be good too - there'll be one on your birthday dinner, Jack!
Love, Mom & Dad

Puppy Jack, aka "Batman"

MOO: As my present to woo today Jack:
I will not throw woo to the ground.
I will not bite your ears.
I will not sit on woo.
I will not pull on your legs or tail.
I will not rat woo out for counter surfing.
I will not jump in front of woo & take your treats….
Dang, this birthday isn't going to be any fun at all!

Just joking,
I really do wish woo
a furry furry happy birthday, dear brofur!

( I'm wishing with my eyes closed!)
Miss Moo


Wednesday Woos

Hey Mom, what are woo doing over there?
Can woo see her, Moo?
Almost… Mom, what are woo looking at?

"Looking at signs of spring. I'm admiring these mini-daffodils!
I've never seen such tiny daffodils - see how
small they are next to regular daffs & the tulips?"
Hey, now I see her! Yup, she's looking at flowers.
The big question is…..
...are they tasty?

wooing on wednesday,
jack a-roo & miss moo


Mondays View from the Moo: Games people play

Hey Jack, you know what people do to find out if someone loves them? They find a daisy & pluck off its petals. With the first one they say 'He loves me'. Then on the next one they say 'he loves me not' and so on till they pluck off the last one, and then they know the answer…. hmmmm, I wonder if it works with Siberians?

Here, Let me pluck some fur: 'HE LOVES ME'
OUCH! OK Moo, you wanna play this game?
My turn:
Did Mr. Fangs make that clear enough for woo?
Hold still Jack, I'm trying to get hold of more fur...

And that is today's view from the Moo!

Miss Moo


Sunday Smack-down

Sorry, no time to comment, kinda busy right now!

catch ya later-
Jack & Moo


Friday Fotos

Isn't this a lovely snoozy morning, Jack?
At least it was, till mom came out with the flashy beast.
Now that we're awake, lets watch for the weekend action to begin!
… Jack, guard dog extraordinaire, stays alert for any sound,
any sign of mischief afoot…..
Don't mind him…. he's a legend in his own mind.
….. Jack, guard dog extraordinaire, eyes the prime suspect…..

Hope woo have a howling good weekend!
Jack a-roo & Miss Moo


Wednesday Woozy

Wobbly woozy Wednesday
Is it me? or is it the camara-man?

Miss Moo


Monday's View from the Moo

Good moorning everyone!
I noticed Jack race out to the yard this morning, so I followed him to see what he was up to….

Whoo-hoo! He scored the lid off mom's yogurt! Yummy!

Unfortunately Mom saw him run off with something too. She followed both of us, and Jack did not get to enjoy chewing up the foil. he did, however lick it clean.

Then we all noticed that either Jack had dandruff, or it was actually snowing! Yup, its snowing here this morning. Maybe later mom will take us fur a ride in her snowmobile...

Yesterday it was sunny and fairly warm, dad planted two more trees. Our pawrents are all excited about it - they are dwarf fruit trees and they're hoping they will grow some fruit in a couple years. One is a pear, one is a nectarine. I don't know if we like those things, but we intend to find out!

And that's todays View from the Moo!
Miss Moo


Friday Fotos, walking in Newport

Ha-roo, friends! It was such a beawootiful day out yesterday, mom took us for a car ride and we checked out a new place to walk. First we went onto this long deck that stuck out in the water. It was pretty exciting!

Hey Moo, did woo notice all the bird droppings? they're from seagulls!

Smell em, they smell fishy! I wonder if I should roll in it?

Ah, that's okay Jack, me & my shadow are going to go check out the view from the end of the dock…

Woo, hey, look at this!

That must be the way off the island! If we ever want to split but don't want to swim, that's our ticket outta here!
Ha roo roo ro, just kidding! why would we ever want to leave our home? We've got the humans trained so well and all….

This is what Newport looks like when its not tourist season. During the summer, this park is full of people watching the sailboats, walking their dogs, and artists like to paint here.

But we got the whole place to ourselves today! Woo can even see two lighthouses from here!

Mom zoomed in on this one, its on Goat Island. That's where a whole bunch of pirates were buried after they were hung in Newport at the end of the 18th century. Wonder if they also buried their treasure there?
Mom snapped a couple of the beawootiful old houses we walked past. FYI, there are more original Colonial structures still in use in Newport than anywhere else in the US - even more than at Colonial Williamsburg.
This was a Sea Captain's home, but now its a Bed & Breakfast.

But mom says this is her favorite - a shake-shingled cottage that overlooks the bay. Not too big, not too small, its just right.
So that was our walk. We followed it up with a nice long nap! Gotta get rested up fur the weekend, ya know. Hope woo enjoy yours, friends.

A-roos to yous, and Toodle-Woo,
jack a-roo & miss moo


Our Irish Wish for Woo

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

-Old Irish Wish for a friend

St. Pat's 2011

We think that little sign applies to "Siberian Eyes" too.
Hope woo find a pot o'gold at the end of your rainbow!

Jack O'Roo & Miss Molly McMoo


Wordy Wednesday Woos!

We're playing WWC2011 with The Cat Blogosphere today!

What's YOUR word today?

Jack a-roo & Miss Moo

A big Thank Woo to Ann & Judi fur all their hard work so we can have fun!


Monday's View from the Moo

Its not my fault its Monday.
Get over it.
And that's today's view from the Moo.

Miss Moo


Friday Photos & Prayers

May we hear an "awwwwww!" please? Mom got this cup o'ducklings in an email, she says its just too dang cute not to share! Jack & I were hoping she'd get us a cup o'ducklings, but she says "ain't gonna happen". Pfffft.
Miss Moo

We send prayers to all the people and animals caught up in the devastation of the earthquakes, aftershocks, and tsunami that hit last night. Please hold them in your thoughts & prayers today, and that all those on other shores will be safe against the approaching tsumanis.
We are all so small and vulnerable against the power of nature.

(((hugs))) to all our blog friends.
We appreciate each & every one of you.

Jack, Moo, & Mama Pat


Wednesday Woos

Come on, Jack, stop being such a wimp!

Mom, protecting Jack from the wrath of Moo.

have a nice safe day,



Monday's View from the Moo

Mom wasn't sure how I got into this pawsition...

So she sneaked up to view me, Moo, from another angle...
and woke me up.
It's comfy.

And that's today's view from the Moo.

Miss Moo

(We've had lots & lots of rain, which means lots & lots of mud, which explains my muddy legs & Moopaws.)



Today's the official start of the greatest race on the continent... the Iditarod! Woooooooo-oooooo!
We're furry excited and wish all the pawticipaint doggers and mushers all the best. Woo pups are pawsome!

We want to commemorate this event in our own way,
so we're presenting
a little history lesson fur woo!
A few weeks back we made reference to the fact that both of us can trace our pedigrees back to Togo, the long-distance hero of the Iditarod Race to Nome. Balto bravely lead his team on the final leg of the race delivering the serum to Nome, and pretty much gets all the glory, but Togo lead his team for 260 miles! I don't think Togo minds being passed over, cause Balto was neutered- his line died with him, and his great race to Nome stands as his lasting contribution to history. But Togo was one prolific dude, and left his legacy in the form of squirming, adorable puppies. Who in turn had lots and lots more squirming adorable puppies! Togo is one of the foundation studs of our breed.

Even if there are thousands of us Sibes who can trace our lines back to Togo, that's okay. It makes us feel like a special part of the legacy from the very first Iditarod.

If woo are furry interested in the history of the race, we found this cool site with lots of info. Its called Balto's True Story, but its about all the dogs that helped get the serum to Nome. Woo can read about our Uncle Fritz, Togo's half-brother there too. And there is really wonderful Celtic music on the site. The synopsis of the serum run is really gripping reading - gives woo a real appreciation for what these noble teams went thru to get the serum delivered on time to save the children. Really - go check it out.

After listening to mom read the story to us, we can't help but feel humbled, and proud to part of Togo's lineage.

JACK: Moo, do woo think we'll ever make it to Alaska & run in the Iditarod?
MOO: I don't know, Jack, maybe. Just thinking about how our great-great-great-great-greatx100 Grandpa Togo & all the others raced through the blizzards to help save the children just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

JACK: Yup, makes me proud too. But are woo sure that's what 's making woo feel warm & fuzzy? Cause woo are naturally warm & fuzzy all the time anyway, Moo.

MOO: *groans* Oh, Jack, aren't woo the funny one!

a-roos to yous, and tootle-woo!

jack a-roo & miss moo

PS - that first link goes to the Iditarod site - with thrilling videos and all the news!


friday fun fotos

Its me, Jack. Mom took us down to the bay today... just fur a look around.We found these mini-glaciers on the rocks!
Pretty "cool", huh? Ha-roo roo roo, get it? "Cool"?
Moo splashed out ankle-deep, but came back on shore pretty quick - she woo'd "brrrr, its too cold on my delicate feety-feets!
View of a Moo viewing of the bay...
today's "View from the Moo", ha-roo roo!
Silly ship just "barged" under the Bridge like that!
Ha-roo roo roo, OMD, I'm really on a roll today!! (Sometimes I even crack myself up)

Have a fun weekend, furiends!
Jack a-roo