
Tuesday Tales

A-roos to yous,
We're back- gosh, its good to be home! Mom & Dad got back late last night, and mom came and sprang us from doggie jail... I mean, "the Spa", a little while ago. We talked & talked to her - we had a lot to say! We sniffed all the corners at home and munched on some fresh grass, drank lots and olots of water (it's REALLY HOT here!) and we are going to nap for the rest of the afternoon. Sounds like a good plan, doesn't it?
She wants to share a happy moment with woo all:
And here they are -
proud pawrents and one furry happy young man!
Here's some info for Mr. Phred: the Rolls Royce Mt. Vernon plant makes gigantic turbines that are used in pipe lines and on oil rigs and for other really interesting stuff. Here's a link to RR Energy for those who are curious about all that kind of khool mekhanical thingys. Aaron's pretty excited about all the interesting stuff he's going to get to be part of there. His area of concentration is energy systems, so its a great place for him to grow into. Pretty nifty, eh?

I'm hoping maybe Aaron can help me develop some really high-tech mole stuff for Holey Moley Mole traps at Jack-A-Rooters Corp., if he has time. I'm working on my new designs now. Can woo see the wheels turning in my head? Ha-roo roo roo!

"Catch" woo later!*
Jack a-roo
*(get it? It's one of my mole jokes. I woo it to them when I finish a trap...)


Sunday: Congratulations to our Boy!

After 5 years of hard work, he did it!
Congratulations to our boy, Aaron, on earning his BA in Mechanical Engineering at the Ohio State University. We're so furry proud of woo! And we wish woo all the best as woo start your new career with Rolls Royce!

Mom, Dad, Jack, & Moo



While mom & dad went to that wedding last weekend, Jack and I got a little "staycation" of our own up at Colonial Kennels, my home kennel.
My mom & sis & aunties & cousins still live there, so for me it was like having a big family reunion! Plus, I LOVE the girls who work there, and I was SO FURRY HAPPY to see them, I could hardly hold still long enough fur a picture!
I went belly-up, melting onto Katie's lap!
She gives such good belly rubs!
Finally I held still for a "photo op" for mom.
In the meanwhile, Jack was eyeing the bins of pigs ears, hoofies, and other assorted delights. He gave mom "those eyes", like when he really really wants something, and she caved. (She really wanted us to be happy while we were there)
After a few minutes she said goodbye, and we went back to see my real mom & sis and the other boarding puppers.

"We'll be fine, Mom, don't worry about us.
I'll keep an eye on Jack. You & dad have fun!"
It was noisy, cause everyone wanted to greet us, but they all calmed down once we were settled in. We stayed right across from the kitchen, so we got to see lots of action. It was furry interesting. We got to stay together, too. We liked that a lot cause we didn't want to have to stay in separate kennels.

I enjoyed introducing my old furiends to Jack. He was furry talkative & told them all about our fun life together. I think he made lots of new furiends!
But, I have to admit that when mom showed up a few days later, we were furry furry happy to jump in our Siberian Outback and head back to the island. After all, "there's no place like home"!
a-roos to yous and toodle-woo,
jack a-roo & miss moo


Wooless Wednesday

"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!"

a-roos to yous and toodle-woo,
jack a-roo & miss moo


Tuesday Tweet

Woos & A-roos to yous! It's been a while since we posted - we've been on an adventure! But first, we want to tell woo about our tweets. Mom had the lawn guy help prune back a big brushy tree in the yard last week. We were tied to another tree nearby so we could snoopervise. Everything went well till the end. We tried to warn mom to stop, but she said "Oh just take the whole thing down" and Mr. Saw obliged.
Us, snoopervising.
The stump in front where the other tree used to be.
Suddenly woo could hear frantic tweets, and mom & the lawn guy saw the nest in the big branch they just cut down. There were 3 tiny tweets sprawled on the ground under the now-empty nest. Well, the bipeds felt just awful, and mom dragged the big branch to the corner of the yard, and the lawn guy put the babies back in the nest. Then mom dragged another big branch over & put it over the nest to give them some cover.

The baby tweets back in their nest.
Within a short time, we could hear the babies tweeting loudly, but their mom & dad came back and took care of them. Mom checked on them every day, and they seem to be doing okay. This past weekend, she & dad went away. Monday morning she checked on them again, but we'd had a big rain storms Sunday and the nest was destroyed. She could still hear them tweeting. She looked around & saw that the babies were hopping around under another bush, and then they flew off! So I guess they survived their relocation & the storm!

Our other Tuesday Tweet is this:
Guess who mom & dad got to meet when they went out of town?

Did woo guess khorectly?
They met Steve and Kat!!!!
How khool is that?

Yup, mom & dad went to Charlottesville Virginia for a wedding, and if woo were following their "Summer Trip" posts, woo know that Steve & Kat are there with their mom & dad right now!
We sure wish we could have met them too, but we didn't get to go. We were having a "staycation" at Moo's home kennel here in RI. And that was an adventure too! But we sent a bag of Yummie Chummies fur our furiends.

We'll tell woo about our adventure too, but it will have to wait fur another day. It's good to be home, sleeping in our own beds tonight.

jack a-roo & miss moo


Wooless Wednesday

jack a-roo & miss moo


Monday's View from the Moo

mom was trying to get a couple pics for today's post, but she had the wrong camera setting. All she got was the blur. She made the best of it anyway...

I give wooo....
"Moo in Motion"

I wouldn't sit still fur more pics. I'm not in a cooperative moo-d today. Mom took me to the vet this morning and they wanted to steal some of my pee, but I wouldn't let them. I even had 2 vet techs following me all around outside in the rain, but I stood my ground (or, "held my water", so to say). I do not like to do my business out in public. Guess what? They gave me "good girl" cookies anyway, just fur being such a cute little Moo. Ha-roo!

And that's today's view from the Moo.

Miss Moo

PS from Mom: Moo is fine, this was a follow-up after she was treated for a minor problem a couple weeks ago, no cause for worry.



Let me go- I gotta go NOW!
I promise I'll come right back!
Geesh..... sisfurs!

A-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo


Wednesday Snooze

Where's your favorite place to snooze?

jack a-roo & miss moo


Monday's View from the Moo

It's a brand new Monday Moo-vee!
I was playing with dad this weekend and mom got a bit of it on video. It's really fun to play with your pawrents cause it makes them furry happy. Its okay to try this at home with yours, but make sure woo have the proper safety precautions. A soft landing spot is a must!

And that's this weeks View from the Moo.

Miss Moo


Quest for the Holy Moley

Its time fur a Sunday Adventure! Over the past couple weeks, I've shown woo my inventions, the Holey Moley Mole Moat, and the Holey Moley BOSS Trap today we are searching for the elusive Holy Moley itself.
I came out to inspect my Mole Moat and saw teeny weeny footprints leading to the other side of the trees, so...
Hey Jack! What's going on?
I'm snootering out a mole....

Woos, khool! Wait fur me!
I finally located the elusive critter --- the Holy Mole!
Here, Mom, come in fur a close-up!
Holey Moley! Looks a little water-logged, doesn't he?
I told woo the mole moat idea was a good one.
So satisfying to know how well my inventions work!
Mom says we better sign off with a more pleasant image,
so here is an pupdate on our Husky Red tomatoes:
Remember they were all green and I wondered why they call them Red Tomatoes...?
Now I know they really are Husky Red Tomatoes. Mmmm, tasty too!

Hope woo have a tasty day!
jack a-roo & miss moo too

PS - Meeshka has a great interview with Bear-Bear's pawrents, done by her human woman on her blog. Go read it. Good job, Human Woman!


Just some thoughts: Do you know how to break up a dogfight?

We've been doing a lot of thinking, what with Bear Bear's tragedy and all. Aside from stating the obvious (You don't shoot dogs to make them behave), perhaps some good can come of this if it opens communication about issues that do crop up at dog parks.

Honestly, dog fights ARE scary. But they don't happen in a vacuum, and this whole mess was caused by humans who did several things wrong and may have actually provoked the whole thing with their stupidity (no need to mention just how stupidly the gun-toting human ended this mess, is there?)

Dogs are generally are pretty good at communicating with each other according to dog rules. Anyone who spends time at a dog park knows that leashed dogs will fight much more readily than dogs who are allowed to meet on their own, where they can put a little space between themselves & the other dog, if they need to.

But when you have a fearful human on one end of the leash, the dog tied to the other end is no longer free to maneuver in his own space. A dog on a leash now has YOU to worry about too. That leash is like a telegraph line sending "FEAR" from that person to their dog.

The leashed dog in this case was a German Shepherd, a noble breed known for their keen sense of loyalty-- They do a dang good job protecting their property & people. It's very possible there was a dog fight, but my guess is that the Shepherd may have been the one fighting. What else could he do, leashed to an hysterical woman he now had to defend?

It sounds like Bear Bear was acting like huskies typically act. If you've ever watched one of our "Monday's View from the Moo" Moo-vies, you will know that husky play can look and sound an awful lot like a dogfight to the untrained observer. I suspect poor Bear was wanting to play a little husky smack-down, all in good fun. From what his neighbors have said, he was NOT an aggressive dog prone to fights. Huskies do not go around attacking people, either. They are an extremely friendly breed, and will readily walk right up to strangers. Many of them are not intimidated easily, and will hold their own if necessary. (Our Star, a true Alpha, would never start a fight, but she'd be the one to finish it. She would never walk away.)
We'll illustrate this with a Moo-vie out-take:

So, what can we learn?
1. Dogs will be dogs. If you don't understand the rules of dog behavior, learn them. (Its not that hard to learn what tails, ears, and stances mean. Then you can at least tell if a dog really is friendly or not, no matter what the owner says.)
2. If you don't understand dog park etiquette, ask about things before you barge in with your leashed dog.
(a short version in my own words.*)
3. If dogs are fighting, the best thing is do drag the one on the leash away & hook the leash around a fence or something handy, then go grab the hind legs of the other dog, lift them off the ground (like when you played "wheelbarrow") and walk it backwards in a semi-circle - they have to sidestep to keep their balance, which prevents them from turning around to bite you. . Lock it inside the gate or get someone to help you secure the dog so the two dogs cannot get to each other again.
If there are 2 people, each person should go behind a dog & lift those hind feet off the ground and walk the dog backwards in a semi circle. Usually the dogs will be so startled, they will stop fighting immediately. (I've practiced this with my own dogs in non-fight mode so I can have confidence to follow thru in case of a real fight.)
3. Under no circumstance should a gun be used to discipline a dog. (I'm pretty sure 99.99% of the population had already figured this one out)
4. Oh, and this one too, not directly dog park related, but worth considering: If you are so fearful of a place that you feel bringing a loaded weapon with you is a good idea, DON'T GO THERE AT ALL.

We'll be watching Bear's story unfold, as there were a number of things that have come out (like how the cops threatened to tazer Bear's guardian if he tried to re-enter the dogpark to go help Bear. Poor Bear laid there suffering for almost an hour before the cops "allowed" his human to come to his aid. That is just beyond comprehension.) While we can believe the shooter honestly "thought" he was genuinely in danger, he MUST be held accountable for his extremely reactionary behavior and unbelievable lack of judgement. He owes Bear Bear's family both an apology and compensation for their loss. The publicity will probably be devastating to his current life as he knows it, but, at least he's still alive, unlike poor Bear Bear. (It upsets us that people are making threats against this man & his family - yes, what he did was awful and needless, but it was a stupid decision, the guy's not out there using dogs for fighting or target practice.)

Bear Bear, you have earned your Silver Harness, we know you will be safe now to play husky smack-down to your heart's content with our furkids beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

Sending you woos & snooter kisses,

jack a-roo , miss moo, and mom

A couple sites that explain this technique:
or here at Leerberg - warning - this one has extremely graphic photos of dog bites. Including the sales pitch pics, the article begins under the 6th pic down.

A vigil for Bear Bear

6:30 PM
Our candle is lit, we are holding good thoughts for all the people gathering at Bear Bear's dogpark right now.
Godspeed, Bear Bear.
We're all looking for the silver lining as you take up your Silver Harness. You are going to leave a lasting legacy, we know there has to be some good that will come of this horrible situation.

sibe vibes and woos,
jack a-roo & miss moo & mom


Wooless Wednesday


*adding a very sad woo after all*

In Memory of Bear-Bear
...killed by an off duty Federal police officer
who brought a gun to a dogpark.

This one takes the cake. Rather than walk his leashed German Shepherd out of the dogpark, the guy takes out a gun and shoots Bear Bear right in front of everyone. Seriously, was that his only option? I think anyone who brings a GUN to a DOGPARK is just looking to provoke an incident to justify killing something.
Please go to our furiend Khyra's blog for a list of
where to send letters if you are as outraged as we are.

Jack, Moo & Mom


The View from the Moo: Jonny Walker's Tale of Bravery

Woo woo, everyone! I have a furry special View from the Moo today. But first, a little pupdate on Dad's project. It wasn't furry interesting. No new bench, or boat, or anything Sibe-related. He built a new landing at the bottom of the basement steps. Mom's excited, cause the old landing was squishy, but it doesn't do anything fur us. We decided to stay outside, & played chase thru the trees.

Here I am, inside the trees.
Here's Jack, outside the trees.
Then we'd change places. Mom thought she got a movie, but, surprise, she musta hit the wrong button, so woo will have to use your imooginations instead.

Now, fur the "Special" part of today's post:
Mom has been a member of another animal lover's board, called Pet Talk, for many years but just caught up to this story over the weekend. We just gotta share it with woo!

Jonny is a stray living happily in a community in Louisiana, with 3 "homes" whose families look after him. On July 18th, 3 teens lured him off his cozy porch, smashed him in the face with a baseball bat, and ran off. Broken and bleeding, Jonny crawled back onto his porch, where one of his owners found him after work. Jonny was rushed to an emergency vets: his nose was broken, jaw was broken in 2 places and he had several teeth knocked out. The vets said they would keep Jonny over the weekend, but the owners had to figure out how to cover the bill (first estimated at $2000-3000) before they could begin treatment.

So Jason, one of Jonny's caretakers, appealed to the Pet Talk community for help. Many Pet Talkers have gotten involved, helping Jonny's families raise donations and find sources of funding. Jonny's total bill was over $4600, (including a neuter & heartworm treatments) and all but the last couple hundred have now been covered by donations. Isn't that amoozing?

Fortunately there was a witness to the attack, and the kids who did this were caught. The animal cruelty case against them is still pending, but, since they're all minors, probably not much will happen. But the biggest thing Jonny's families hope for is to spread the word about animal abuse. Jonny's become a real spokesdog, with local TV media coverage, facebook & u-tube sites, and everything. His gentle and cheerful disposition amazes everyone who meets him, and in spite of this horrible attack, he still wants to be everybody's furiend.

We say, "Go, Jonny, Go!"

Jonny: post surgery
He was released to return home, and a happy but tearful goodbye was broadcast on TV. He'll spend his new life as an "inside" pet, and will rotate between all 3 of his families.

You can follow his whole story on Pet Talk, but let your humans know that the first post contains a very graphic & upsetting image (although a blurry one), of how Jonny's looked when his owner first found him that awful day.
Post #443 has an address, if anyone wishes to send a donation to his medical fund. We helped mom paw one off today.

Way to go, Pet talkers! A big 4-paws up to everyone who has come to Jonny's aid, and we wish him a full recovery and many years of happiness!

And that's today's View from the Moo, toodle-woo!

Miss Moo



Sunday morning, just checking out the activity in our favorite corner. Dad went to buy lumber, so we know it'll be busy around here later. Woo! We get to snoopervise!

a-roos to yous
and Toodle-woo!

jack a-roo & miss moo